Sunday Snippet: Our Passport to India…

So we are traveling virtually to India… and this time we are traveling with a purpose.

My Passport to India.jpg

Last year Sonlight  took us to meet the Meetto people in Mozambique, with their  Sonlight/One Verse Project. and this year their project is taking us to the amazing country of India…

Sonlighthas teamed up with Mission India… and they are giving us a really fun virtual tour of India. You can watch an overview of the program here. Each week they post a new day of the tour and with each day comes a five minute video, showing the travels of Chris… Along with the videos you can have a look at his photo album, which gives you more information about his interesting day of travel!!! There is also a little bit of information on an aspect of Indian Culture: their transport, their food and their clothing. There is a new personal story and someone to pray for each week. So far we have prayed for Lamal from Uttar Pradesh, whose father is a rickshaw puller. He and his brothers learn about the Bible and Jesus at the local Children’s Bible Club. We have prayed for twelve year old Sarita, whose parents send her and her siblings out to steal for survival. Her favorite Bible Verse is John 8:12.


The Children’s Bible Clubs are a way for young children in India to learn about the Bible, they sing songs and hear stories from the Bible in their own language. The clubs provide a safe haven for the children, where for a small part of their day they can be “just children”… It costs $1. for a child to join the Bible Club and over the next five weeks for every dollar you save and donate Sonlight will match your dollars!!! So for every one child that you can sponser to get to Children’s Bible Club, you will actually be able to send two.


So while my kids are eagerly watching and learning about India and seeing life in a completely different culture to their own… they are also finding ways to save a few dollars to send to the My Passport to India Project before 17 November 2010. Anyone can join the project anytime… and you can read all about it here, just follow the link…

5 Replies to “Sunday Snippet: Our Passport to India…”

  1. Oh we are doing this too!!!! My two are still really young, but our daughter, who’ll be three in January, is enjoying it nontheless, and I love the opportunity it has given us during family devotions to teach her to pray for the nations.

  2. Hay Joyful Mama… We are so enjoying our trip through India, our kids are rocking at it!!! Hope you have a fabulous weekend!!!

  3. We love it too! I am glad for something to remind my children of their third-world roots.

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