Happy Birthday Hood #1…

Hood #1:


To our music man…


To our speedy cyclist…


To our collector of treasure…


To our movie maker…


To our recycle artist…


To the lover of dragons and LEGO master…


To the young man who clears more dishes than most, to the young man who helps me understand Roald Dahl’s mother, to the young man who would rather do art than anything else, to the young man who would rather read Shakespeare, to the young man that keeps me on my toes, to the young man who loves to build forts, to the young man who never thought sleep was a good thing, to the young man who loves grand gardening projects, to the young man who is a fabulous big brother, to the young man who gathers facts, to the young man who reads everything…


From Zero:




Fourteen whole years in a blink!!!


Amazing how fast it has flown past. Have a brilliant year, we can’t wait to see what you get up to next year!!!

18 Replies to “Happy Birthday Hood #1…”

  1. Hay April O…. You won’t believe how fast time flies – it really is quite alarming!!! We had a great birthday… all a fourteen yr old boy wants for his birthday is a day with LEGO… easy!!! Hope you are all having a great week!!!

  2. Yes, Happy Birthday, too again from all of us!
    And also Happy Birthday to the amazing mother of the hoods! Have a wonderful, blessed day today!
    Much love and our prayers.

  3. Happy birthday to Hood #1!! But isn’t it the original Hood’s birthday today as well i.e. Mommy Hood?? If so, happy happy birthday. Lots of love. xxx

  4. Sid, So totally cool to hear from you!!! You spotted the one day lag in our blog!!! Thanks for the birthday wishes and tons of love to your family!!! Have a great day…

  5. Happy birthday hood #1 and mother person 🙂
    Hope you guys have a fantastic year ahead. Eat lots and lots of ice cream!!

  6. Happy Birthday to Hood #1! May his 15th year be the most awesome so far 😉
    and a Happy Birthday to the mommy of all the hoods. HOpe you were loved and appreciated on your special day!

  7. Happy Birthday to all that are celebrating. Bit concerned when the first photo opened slowly on my screen. Saw Hood 1 in a cloud of smoke! Phew! Only birthday candles! Oh and can you ask him to move the castle up, by about an inch, in his drawing of the UK. He’s put our house too low down!
    Hope you all had a wonderful day!

  8. Oh Cheryl, Chuckle – We will address the location of your home at our soonest convenience!!! Yup 14 birthday candles is rather too many!!! Thanks for the birthday wishes… Hope you are having a fun week!!!

  9. It’s a little late here, but I hope your 14yo had a wonderful day celebrating. He seems like an amazing young man.

    I thought you were going to say, “From Zero to Hero” because he seems like that sort of person.

    Does he need an American pen pal, also 14? 🙂

  10. Hay Lifenut again!!! He is indeed a Zero to hero kind of guy!!! These firstborns of eight certainly have a special something going for them!!! We could probably do a complete pen-pal swap all the way down the line!!! Have a great day!!!

  11. Dear Hood #1, happy happy happy birthday to the best and biggest brother we know from all your fans on the other side of the world. May 14 be full of dragons and Shakespeare and arting and all the wonderful things you love!!
    Blessings and prayers!
    (FOURTEEN? is that possible???)

  12. Hay Jacki… Thanks for the birthday wishes and the photographs!!! I know how on earth did fourteen arrive… almost the same height as me, feet as big as his dad’s and voice as deep and loud as a voice can get – you wouldn’t know him!!! I tell you it goes so fast!!! Lots of love to you all!!!

  13. Thanks MayaMade… I think I am going to mention your flying at dinner and set the conversation rolling!!! There will be a lot to talk about!!! Have a fun weekend!!!

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