Pass Your Learner’s Licence Easily… It’s a GiveAway…

It’s been a while since we had a GiveAway and I have not one, not two but three fantastic GiveAways for the month of March… so without further a do… I am going to tell you something, and you won’t believe it, that your children are going to grow up and they are going to learn how to drive. I know, I looked forward to this time for years and now, to be honest the thought horrifies me. I suddenly have two kids old enough to drive. I’ll say that again… two kids old enough to drive. This is daunting beyond believe, and much as I pretend it is never going to happen and much as I put off doing anything about it, the time has come.


Now in South Africa, from the age of se7enteen you can get a learner’s license, which allows you to drive with a passenger who has a valid license and then from age eighteen folk are free to get a drivers license and launch onto the road. From what I have heard it is standard practice for folk to fail their driving test and their learner’s license a number of times. We aren’t discouraging our kids at all but they do have to pay their own way to get through their tests… nothing a little financial stress to improve your chances of passing. My guys got the K53 Driving Test book from the library and studied it carefully, but they really weren’t test ready…


I must say that I cannot take away the queues or the fact that you have to actually study for the test. Yes, there is that confidence of youth that they have been driving about in a car all their lives and so they know what is in the actual book. Basically, your innate road knowledge is not enough to pass… you have to study all those little nuances that are included in the laws of the road. Not to mention, in a country with multiple languages the test may appear to be in English, but those questions can sure seem very confusing. So studying is not enough, in fact most of my kids’ friends use the first test as a practice run, just to learn how to answer the awkward questions… But I discovered a solution to the multiple failing problem… there is an app!!!

K53 Learner’s App

Like everything else there is an app even for your Learner’s Licence. Indeed there is an app for South African Learner Drivers who are aiming to pass the K53 Learner Drivers Test. My guys made full use of the app and passed their test first time round with flying colours. To be sure my other kids are going to follow suit.


Here is how the app works: Firstly it has absolutely everything you need to know on how to pass your learner’s license. But the critical thing that the app has is the practice tests… you can take a look at practice questions for the K53 Test here. There are over 250 questions, in each of the test categories, for you to practice on and you can review your answers and see where you went wrong as well. It has the latest questions available from the Official K53 Test. For more details you can take a look at the K53 Learner’s App Website here.

Typical test questions look like this…


And solutions look like this…


Both my tech loving and non-tech loving kids found it really easy to use… The thing that they loved about it was that they could head into the test confident that they knew what to expect. Not only was the app a good simulation of the test, but they could practice timed and untimed tests. Also they couldn’t just review the test answers, they had to fill in the practice test first and only at the end of the test does one get the solutions. So, you absolutely have to practice the tests to make full use of the app. Being able to practice the tests and review their mistakes was really essential to their official test preparation.

The GiveAway

We have five copies of the app to give Away… yup… that’s FIVE!!! With compliments from the publishers, Penguin Random House South Africa and the K53-Test App Creators. Leave a comment before the end of play on Friday 31 March 2017…


We will draw and publish the winners in the Fabulous Fun Post following 31 March. I won’t respond to your comments as I do on our other posts because I don’t want to be included in our own giveaway. Our GiveAways are open to everyone: If you have won a GiveAway before never fear – enter away. Naturally this GiveAway applies to South Africans… but if you are overseas, then have no fear we have a few more GiveAways coming your way, that will be open worldwide.

We would like to thank the publishers, Penguin Random House South Africa and the K53-Test App Creators, who supplied us with copies of the app to review and giveaway. We were not paid for the review and the opinions expressed in it are as usual, entirely our own.

8 Replies to “Pass Your Learner’s Licence Easily… It’s a GiveAway…”

  1. We helped to develop the app ( so we’re delighted you liked it! Thank you for the great blog!!

  2. Ooh, please enter me, my son turns 18 in April and is desperately trying to get his Learners so he can get behind the wheel.

  3. I need this one for myself. My nerves keep on getting in the way when I do my driver’s test. As such it’s time to get a new learner’s again :-/

  4. Perfect timing! My hubby (who wrote his learners test 20 years ago!) has to write it again as he wants to get a motorbike. He would love to win this app!

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