Happy Birthday Hood #6…

Happy Birthday Hood #6.


Thank-you for a great day at the beach!


Thank-you for being so keen for every project.


Thank-you for being such a curious creature.



Sorry you missed your three your old haircut! But you decided to do it yourself way early!



Thank-you for dreaming so many wild dreams.



Thank-you for your happy countenance.



Thank-you for being the first to try anything…



Thank-you for being the cutest blue-eyed creature we know.



And Thank-you for being you!

I hope three is a wonderfully busy year for you. And you get to try lots of new stuff. And explore many more things. And discover lots more projects. Have a good-one!!!

6 Replies to “Happy Birthday Hood #6…”

  1. awwww, another sweet tribute. : ) Happy birthday little one.

    I have one that neeeeeeeeeds to do a project daily too.

  2. I absolutely love your blog!! I came across it when I googled “Low GI recipes”. I’m a stay-at-home mom to my 2 year old daughter. I don’t know how you cope with seven, I battle with just the one! Your children are blessed to have such wonderful parents, you truly inspire me to give my daughter the best childhood possible.

  3. Sorry, I just realised that my last sentence implies that before I read your blog I wasn’t inspired to give my daughter the best childhood possible! What I simply meant was that you do the most innovative arts & crafts projects with your kids. It has inspired me to try them, eventhough I’m the least artistic person in the world!

  4. Hi M, It is always nice to hear from folk who enjoy our blog, especially if we inspire you! The great thing is that as a mom I don’t have to come up with all the ideas – these little guys are much more inspired in their “daily doings” than I could ever be!!! Thanks for taking the time to comment! And we hope you have a fabulous week!

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