Se7en’s Fabulous Friday Fun #62

  1. I just love, love, love the Spring Theatre on Imagine Childhood.
  2. I have been looking at and loving Piniterest pages all over the web, well Katherine Marie is such a star… she blogged the ins and outs and the how to make your personal pininterest page…
  3. Would you look at this wonderful GiveAway on Whatever… go and look at the colors and the eye candy… love love love the look of this book!!!
  4. And on Apartment Therapy: I know I would love to work in this room… or just sit and watch the great outdoors.
  5. Re-Nest has the loveliest potted plant inspiration – even if you aren’t headed for spring you want to take a look at these!!!
  6. Well Homeschoolers I have found the most wonderful post for you, it is packed with stuff to read: The Carnival of Homeschooling – The Green Edition.
  7. You know I am about things sorted, and if you like things somewhat ordered then you have to take a look at this brilliant stairway on Ohdeedoh.
  8. And the Se7en + 1th Thing…

    Org Junkies 52 Weeks.jpg
  9. This week on The Organizing Junkies 52 Weeks: #12 Daily Maintenance. When I first read 52 weeks of decluttering I almost laughed… who could possibly declutter for 52 weeks? Twelve weeks later and I am just getting into my stride and I am hoping that forty weeks from now their will be no little nooks and crannies left lurking around our house!!! This week I decluttered the kids personal treasures for Project Simplify. Not all the kids, just the boys… and after wading through mountains of stones and strings and wires and things I am seriously hoping that the girls pretty things will be a whole lot easier… Since the hardest thing to sort was the paper dolls and we did that when we sorted our papers I am optimistic that it will go a lot quicker.

    Here’s a before and after: A box of treasures, where nothing could be found.


    And we discovered that this man is all about cards!!! Soccer cards, playing cards and more soccer cards… he had never thought to keep all his cards in one spot and he is thrilled with his sorting!!!

    And this man’s treasure… Well he is a potential chef after all and he does not need any more measuring cups no matter how zooty they are!!!
  10. The one area of decluttering that is really beginning to nag at me is my computer… So I started deleting heaps of emails, heaps of them and then some more!!! I really want to delete thousands of photographs… I hear my mother gasp!!! But really it’s insane… close to se7enty thousand photographs in iphoto – I kid you not!!! So if you use iphoto maybe you can help me… whenever I load up photographs I label the ones I want to use with a keyword. Now the ones that I don’t label I actually want to scroll through and mostly delete. So this is my question… How do I find all the photographs that don’t have keywords? Because unless I click on a photograph I can not see the keyword… Can you imagine how long it would take to click on se7enty thousand photographs. If I could see the keywords then I could just highlight and delete by the thousand. So this is my iphoto question: Is there a way to see the keyword of a photograph without highlighting it? Oh please will somebody know this and please may it be a simple switch!!!

That’s us – Hope your Weekend is the best ever!!!

8 Replies to “Se7en’s Fabulous Friday Fun #62”

  1. Angela – Thanks so much for the fun, fun link!!! I love your party – it is just wonderful!!!! Wonderful!!! Hope you have a fun week!!!

  2. Sooooo… are you going to take the pin plunge??? I hope you do! I thought of you the minute I first found pinterest… just because I know how ORGANIZED you are— I think that is my favorite thing— we can visually organize all the wonder and delight from the WWW! THANKS, as always, for putting together such thoughtful and amazing FRIDAYS for us to enjoy! xoxoxoxoxoxo

  3. Hay KM, I am definitely going to start a pininterest page… now that I know how!!! Just give me a while I am always slow off the mark!!! I loved your post It’s Okay. Just perfect and your kids are growing up too fast!!! They are just darling… your littlest has lost his baby face and he is the most darling little creature!!! Totally love it!!!

  4. Hi there “Making Family Life Fun” – Thanks – kids stuff is so easy to sort if they are not around!!! But in order to teach them to sort through their own stuff they have to be alongside and it is indeed a fair challenge!!! Since everything is treasure!!! Hope you have a great week!!!

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