Sunday Snippet Sunday Snippet: Magi from the East Came to Jerusalem… Posted on 20 December 201521 December 2015 by se7en Our Bible Verse of the Week… Matthew 2:1 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea,During the time of King Herod, Magi from the East…
Sunday Snippet Sunday Snippet: Gracious Words are a Honeycomb… Posted on 17 March 201517 March 2015 by se7en Our Bible Verse of the Week… Proverbs 16:24 Gracious words are a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Week by Week…
Sunday Snippet Sunday Snippet: Trust in the Lord… Posted on 9 February 201516 February 2015 by se7en Our Bible Verse of the Week… Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart And lean not on your own understanding; In all…
Sunday Snippet Sunday Snippet: When You Pass Through the Waters… Posted on 12 January 201513 January 2015 by se7en We are going to be learning a Bible Verse each week for the year and we thought we would share them with you… Isaiah 43:2…
Sunday Snippet Sunday Snippet: Construction Site – Expect Delays… Posted on 15 September 201415 September 2014 by se7en Roadworks seem to be the fashion of the day and we are never very far from them. I have a child who loves and adores…
Books What We Are Reading Right Now: The Bible Version… Posted on 21 January 201424 January 2014 by se7en So it is three weeks into January and all those New Year Resolutions are starting to crumble and if like many folk you were planning…
GiveAways Sunday Snippet: Mark by the Book an Author Interview and A GiveAway… Posted on 27 May 201327 May 2013 by se7en In the last couple of weeks I have been posting author interviews… it has been a really fun way to learn more about books and…