Crafts Se7en Experiments With A Red Cabbage… Litmus Fun!!! Posted on 22 October 201022 November 2018 by se7en It’s been a while since we blogged some scientific fun… so I thought I would show you what happens when we get a red cabbage…
Party Party Theme: Crazy Chemical Chaos in Se7en Steps… Posted on 5 March 201017 March 2018 by se7en Last week we had a bit of a science frenzy and we published three fat science posts in a row: Se7en Science Experiments: Bugs, Birds…
Crafts Se7en Science Experiments: Lights, Lines and Lenses… Posted on 27 February 201023 November 2018 by se7en Some of these experiments are really simple and some of them were quite troublesome… that’s what happens when you have a wide age range of…
Crafts Se7en Science Experiments: Bugs, Birds and Beasts… Posted on 26 February 201023 November 2018 by se7en When it comes to science our experiments are mostly observing and we are really just working on our observation skills. Luckily when it comes to…
Homeschool Science Week: Se7en Keep Up With School Science Experiments… Posted on 20 May 200923 November 2018 by se7en This post is a all about how we keep up with all the science experiments we need to keep up with for school and a…