I needed a really quick and easy craft, with absolutely no mess and one that would take a fair amount of time for certain folk!!! And this is what we came up with:

I live with the paper chain queen, who has been making Milly Molly Mandy Paper dolls for about her whole life!!!

Now the thing about paper chains is you are not limited in any way to just paper dolls… anything will do…
So let’s Play the Game:
Step 1: We used the brightest craft paper we could find, we folded it into four and then cut it into strips.
Step 2: We stuck the four strips together and had one long strip of paper. Naturally you can make these as long or as small as you like.
Step 3: We folded the paper into small rectangles…
Step 4: Draw your picture, making sure that you have pieces of your picture right up to the folded edges.
Some of us took a while to decide what to draw!

Step 5: Snip away and make sure to not to snip along any of the folds.
Step 6: Carefully unfold your paperchain…
Step 7: Decorate…
and you are done… we had ailiens, dogs, robots, sharks, elephants, girls and lizards.

Have Fun!!!
This Post is part of The Thirty Minute Mom’s Challenge at Steady Mom.
We loved what little we read of Milly Molly Mandy. We need to purchase the book. It’s on my wish list.
Hi L, THis has been Hood#3’s favorite book for her whole life, even before she could read she loved it and carried it everywhere with her!!!
Hay K-M… How fabulous to hear from you!!! I totally loved your sleepy pumpkin head this week… well spotted and achieved!!! I am dying to see what you guys are all wearing next week!!! Halloween is totally not an issue over here and the blog world is mad for it!!! Not to mention candy corn??? I am getting so educated online… I really must post some South Africanisms… Hope you have a great weekend together!!!!
Oh! Sooooo cute!
I love the animals and aliens!! I’ll definitely remember this idea (winter is coming here, you know.)
Hi S, Glad you liked them!!! After watching your endless summer pass by it is nice to finally have a little bit of summer for ourselves!!! Hope you guys have a great weekend!!!
Wow, this looks like it was a lot of fun – and very colorful. My son will go nuts for the robot idea! Thanks for adding yet another great time-taker-upper, er..I mean craft to my bag ‘o tricks!
Hi S, Thanks for stopping by!!! I hope you have some robotic fun!!!