Se7en Things I Do at Sonlight:
1. Blog –
2. Keep tabs on Social Media –
3. Update web content –
4. Produce educational DVDs – Discover & Do
( / MathTacular
5. Answer media production questions on the Student Forums –
6. Help create new tools for customers (coming soonish… I hope <smile>)
7. Meet some of the best people in the world: Sonlighters, like you
Happy Blogoversary!
Thanks so much Luke, Everyone knows how I love and adore Sonlight and really a list of our lists just wouldn’t be ours without a Sonlight contribution!!!
Thanks so much for letting me be a part of your blogoversary celebration! [smile] Congratulations on another year of contributing so much to the blogosphere.
Thanks Luke, you are too kind!!! And see I finally got round to linking some links!!! Have a great weekend – it looks like we are in for a bit of a freeze!!!