Se7en’s Fabulous Friday Fun #26 – Link Up…

What a wonderful week of blogging – packed with Se7en’s Celebrities!!! I still have a few more rolling in and I will post a page when they are done. Not to mention there is still an easy easy swap coming… And if you are a Cape Town reader won’t you pop over and enter our Great GiveAway.



Here they are Se7en links I loved this week:

  1. Camp Creek Blog: Real “Hands On Learning.” I have said it before and I will say it again. If you are nto anything schoolish then you “have to have to HAVE TO” read Camp Creek Blog – it is brilliant, thought provoking and I love it!!!
  2. Art and Creativity in the Great Outdoors from Simple Homeschool: I just love all the beautiful book resources in this post… just a couple to add to my evergrowing wishlist!!!
  3. Simple Tools For Scientific Discovery at Simple Homeschool: Would you look at this post – lovely… it totally reminded me that we haven’t had a science week for a while!!!
  4. Apartment Therapy’s Tree House Hotels: I can dream can’t I!!! With all the world talking about summer vacations – hmmmm!!!
  5. Castle Peeps.jpg

  6. Castle Peeps Summer Camp from Lizzie House: This looks so fun I am definitely going to be watching it!!!
  7. Free Range Kids and the Personal Toll on Helicopter Parents: Another great post from Free Range Kids.
  8. SaltWater Kids and the Scavenger hunt cards, I saw these on Kireei and my heart stopped: This just so inspires me… I am sure we can do some sort of cool project like this!!!
  9. And the Se7en + 1th Thing:

  10. Tipnut’s 50 Homemade Popsicle Recipes, I found this via Ohdeedoh. Would you just look at these – there has to be something in there you want to try right now… Just a little something to remind us on this freezing cold weekend that there is a summer at the end of it all!!!

Let us know your favorite Posts from this week or Link Up a Fun thing you did with your kids this past week…

Here are the rules:

  1. Anyone of our crafty/mom blog reader friends are welcome to join in.
  2. Any of your kids who want to write a blog post and link it in are welcome to join in.
  3. Please mention “Se7en’s Fabulous Friday Fun” in your post and direct the readers back to our Carnival. For example: “I linked this post to Se7en’s Fabulous Friday Fun” would work for me!!! Or pop our button onto your site. so that other readers can enjoy a couple of your favorite favorites… and get to meet all of you.
  4. Make sure you link to your fabulous post and not your website, so that it is easy for readers to find your favorite… rather than wading through everything!!!
  5. Enter a very brief description of your post in parenthesis in the Mcklinky line where you enter your name, so that we know what to expect when we get there.
  6. Visit and leave comments on other folks posts who enter the Carnival – it is the nice thing to do!!!
  7. Finally this is a family blog and remember some folks kids are reading it – please keep your posts appropriate. I reserve the right to delete any post that would not be appropriate for my kids to glance at.

Thanks for playing, Link away, Comment away…


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