We are finally well and I am sorting through the aftermath of days of inattention around here… So Hello Blog, Hello Friends… Sorry it has been such a sloooow week!!! Here comes the most long awaited GiveAway Winner… I just kept forgetting to do it with the kids until after they were in bed so…I finally asked the father person to help out…
The Sunday Snippet I posted was Se7en Visit The Roman World of the New Testament and a GiveAway… Anyway I promised the winner by this week. Here it comes:
Oh did a whole lot of you enter this one, thanks to you all for taking time to enter, not to mention all the lovely comments you leave!!! And thanks again to Christian Book Distributors for giving us another great book.
Here are all the entries…
Covered in candy…
Off they came one by one…
Yup, that’s number 12…
And comment #12 was:
Kim Allen // Sep 2, 2010 at 12:47 am
yes please!! We would love this exciting book!
Congratulations to you!!! We will be sending your book on to you as soon as we can!!! And to the rest of you Please come back this Sunday and try again, we will have another fantastic GiveAway for you all then.
I’m sure the father person enjoyed the Jelly Tots…
Hugs to all the sick (and healthy) ones at se7en +1
oh yay! I think this is the first thing I have ever won 😉 Thank you so much.