Last Sunday I posted Bible Study For Kids and By Kids – A GiveAway
Thanks to you all for taking time to enter, not to mention all the lovely comments you leave!!! And thanks again to Christian Book Distributors for giving us more great books.

So here you all are:
And covered in an army of little people…
And then slowly but surely they were all picked off…
Until there was just one person standing…
Yup, that’s number 8… And Comment #8 was…
CA // Nov 12, 2010 at 12:34 pm Yes please
Congratulations to you!!! We will be sending your book on to you as soon as we can!!!
Thanks to Hood #7, who was far more interested in the toy than the number!!!
And sorry to interrupt your game!!!
Thanks again for entering and please come back next week and try again… I have a fabulous book to GiveAway that I have been hanging onto because I didn’t want to part with it!!! See you then!!!
YOU do give-a-ways like no other!!!!
Hi Se7en! I have to be honest and say I am also more interested in the toy!! 😉 please let me know who/what they are? think my tribe would love them
Oh WOW! That’s ME!!!!! Hee hee – I am SO happy 🙂 THANK YOU little hood 🙂
Hay KM… Thank-you!!! You do send nice comments like no other!!!
Hay Mliss!!! Those our Wow toys and one of the se7en types of toy we have in our house. Actually our collection got so big that we had to donate some of it because they keep coming up with new and fabulous toys… they have no batteries, no loud noises and everything works… I reckon this is the modern version of the Fisher Price I used to play with when I was a kid… Anyway Wow has a website: Have a lovely day!!!
Yes CA!!! That’s you!!! Hope you enjoy it!!!