I know you are looking for a GiveAway Winner for last weeks GiveAway… Psalm 23 Refelctions – A GiveAway. Here you go:

A big thanks to you all for taking time to enter, not to mention your patience when I don’t post the winner!!! And thanks again to Christian Book Distributors for giving us more great books.

And here you all are:

And a quick mix up…

And some giving of sheep to the shepherd…

Last sheep standing…

And the winner is Comment #20

Jocelyn Skelly // Apr 8, 2011 at 6:31 am Book looks great, I love focusing on the details and meaning rather than just memorizing words!
Congratulations to you Jocelyn. Look out for an email from us, we will contact you and we will be sending your book on to you as soon as we can!!! And to all of you who entered…
If you haven’t entered this weeks GiveAway then head over right now and enter straight away!!!
Have a great day!!!
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