Maya*Made’s Se7en + 1 Favorite Things About July…

The month of July is my birthday month and my favorite month of the year and well, it happens to be the seventh month of the year. So here are top 7(+1) reasons I love July:
- raspberries
- swimming
- badminton
- hammock reading
- afternoon iced tea
- picking dinner off the vine
- free concerts at the lake
- fireflies
And the Se7en +1th
The best part of all of these favorites, is sharing them with my family… and watching them become my kids’ faves too.
Thank-you Maya Made for sharing your July with us!!! And thank-you for a wonderful blog that I love to follow!!!
I wanted to tell you how much I loved your post on your puppet theater. It planted a seed in our homeschool and we have spent much of the week making our own.
What a lovely list. Sums up a good part of summer. Never seen a fire fly, but we do have a glow worm in the garden!
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your post on your puppet theater. It has inspired us to make our own and has so far provided many happy creative hours. Feel free to come and have a look ;o)
Oh Cheryl, We do get glow worms as well!!! The only time I ever saw fireflies was when my then “husband to be” and I were on a major hike and we stopped waiting for the river level to drop with the ocean tide… it was dusk and when we started hiking again the fireflies came out and lit our way to the overnight hut… He said to me:”You have to marry me.” And I said to him: “Okay!”… You can read about it here if you like… Clearly fireflies have a magical effect!!!
Hi Shirley, Your comments got munched by my spam – but I rescued them!!! Your puppet theatre is too darling!!! I am so glad we could inspire you!!! Have a fun weekend!!!