- Someone of extreme interest in our house is thirty years old this week. And while we are looking at characters – this is what we are listening to… someone just can’t get enough of it:
- I never know what to do with old cd’s – Well the brilliant Krokatak has the answer… lots of answers!!!
- I am in love with Giddy giddy’s Yarn letters… aren’t they just brilliant!!!
- My absolute favorite photograph from around the web all week from my great friend Lifenut… You have to look at her kids visiting T-Rex at the Denver Museum.
- There is a new website in town, if you have four or more pop over and say hi: 4 Kids or More.
- I spotted this Dolly home/suitcase on Tip Junkie… the cutest thing I have seen forever…
- After reading this post from Playing By the Book you are so going to want to read a teeny tiny little library – so brilliant!!!
- And just one extra thing… we are dying for Charley’s Bakery to go live on TV… it is one of our favorite spots. And I think our celebrity chef is losing his mind in anticipation…
- This week on Org Junkie’s 52 Weeks we are at Week 37: Bringing Together Like With Like…

And the eight+1th Thing: If you feel like organizing!!!

This weeks tip: Sort like things with like is the ultimate answer in organizing our stuff. At least while most of my kids are small it helps to have a shoe spot; a swimming spot; a library book spot… If everyone kept there own stuff in there own space it would be chaos because I may well be the only person with the “putting things back where they belong gene…” but at the end of the day when I say tidy up I can at least direct folk to put their stuff in the particular spot that it belongs in.

Meanwhile I did tackle a huge project this week… but I really don’t want to publish the “before” picture… it is a project that has been lurking and shuffled around my “52 week list” all year. It is a project that I have avoided for years… really. Not so much a decluttering job but a cleaning, scrubbing, must be done job… So here is the before a little disguised – I just couldn’t do it without make-up. Just have to ask: “How often do you clean your oven?” I know I don’t do ours often enough and forget about self-cleaning and all that… it is just simply a dreadful job… “I can’t like anything about it” job.

And let’s move on really quickly…

The kids and I got up to… A major garden clean-up… and a pile of stones was gathered in preparation for another Key Hole Garden…
A tree that has been waiting for ages… was planted

And we have been working on creating a cool shady nook for the upcoming summer… this was completely overgrown and impossible to get into just a couple of weeks ago…

I love this little spot because, while an adult can squeeze into it, it really is perfect for kids – their own secret spot… to go and play and read a book… we are getting there, it is nearly done.

And finally the annual shoe sort got under way… And I think there is someone who helped the most with the sorting who is thinking it is time for his own pair of shoes!!! He could have a point!!!

That’s us!!! Have a great weekend!!!
Oh my heart aches for you over that oven cleaning. Sigh. Nope, no fun at all.
Bob the Builder used to be a big character in our house too; though (here’s our culture clash showing) I have never heard of Postman Pat. He sure does look adorable though!
Looks like another fun-filled week in your neck of the woods. 😉 Have a great week!
P.S. I’ve also seen CDs made into mobiles with fishing line and branches/twigs.
I have lived in Cape Town surrounds my whole life and have never visited Charley’s bakery!! After seeing that great pic you took, I will be taking my family to check it out very soon!
Thanks for all the sharing…
Georgia 🙂
Ha ha, just realised they have only been around for half my life time..but that’s still a pretty long time 🙂
Have a lovely Sunday!
Hay Love and Lollipops… You guys will love Charley’s… REALLY… Hope you have a fun Sunday too… lots of love…
Never heard of Postman Pat!!! Amazing how wide and ocean is… and lets not talk about that oven!!! I hope you guys are having such a fun weekend!!! Lots of love!!!
Thanks for linking to us. Hope you get to make your pocket libraries! Looks like you achieved a lot this week – well done!
Hay Zoe I just loved your sweet pocket libraries… And you are right: we did a whole lot more than I thought we did!!! So lovely to have sunny weather – it is gone again – of course!!! Hope you have a lovely weekend!!!