- No one was more surprised to see our blog nominated on the Homeschool Blog Awards… In the best Super Homeschooler Category – I kid you not!!! How Bizarre is that!!! I was so excited to be nominated and thank you to the kind reader went the extra mile!!!
Just go and look at the awesome blogs on the list – wow!!! I have been browsing all weekend… Some of my favorite favorites and some I have never met before… go on over and sit yourself in Homeschool heaven and gather up inspiration!!! This is the week to vote so pop over and be inspired and vote for your favorite faves!!! - And seriously this week was the week for awesome GiveAways… Don’t you hate Non-World-Wide GiveAways – trust me if you live in the bottom corner of Africa you probably do… Here is the cutest most awesomest Giveaway ever… from Meet Me At Mikes… I just can’t help myself… If I had a cute bike like that I know I would go cycling… actually I would kick all the computers off the lounge table and put the bike up on display just to look at – these cute bikes are a work of art. But it wasn’t the bikes that drew me into this GiveAway… it was the fact that you could win ALL FOUR OF MEET ME AT MIKES BOOKS!!! I know I would be a creative fiend if those lay beside me while I blog, well I wouldn’t blog – I would be reading away. So if you are in Australia would you just head over there and enter and enter and enter…
- But here is a World Wide GiveAway that you will enjoy… for all my blogging friends out there… I probably shouldn’t mention it… at all… but it is so good I have to share it… Wouldn’t you like a prize of some serious cash? If that sounds like fun then head on over to Annabel Candy at Successful Blogging. Seriously this is the best spot for instant help with blogging, answers to every questions… you have to take a look!!!
- All right competitions aside: Meet Me At Mikes Good Holiday Guide… Christmas from the Southern Hemisphere… Not so much snow and ice, but heaps of funky eye candy!!!
- You have to, have to look at these micro crafts on Whip Up … I am telling you they are just so totally darling!!!
- If you, like me, love reading all about blogging: the what, the why and the how about blogging then feast yourself on Kikolani.com for a fetching Friday… heaps of lovely learning…
- Just in case you need a heap of Children’s Books Inspiration: pop over to this NY Times page… a quick peep may turn into a bit of a browse, just saying!!!
- This week on Org Junkie’s 52 Weeks we are at Week 45: Let Go Of The Dream…
And the se7en+1th Thing: If you feel like organizing!!!

After almost a year of decluttering and sorting and shifting… You would think every drawer was perfectly neat and tidy and every aspect of living organized. It isn’t, nowhere near in fact!!! But everything looks pretty much the same as it did at the beginning of the year, which is in itself a marvel because you know how things tend to chaos!!! Normally by this stage in the year we are hanging on for dear life hoping for the summer holidays so that we can do a whole house clean out, but this year not so much!!! It means that after an entire year of organizing, decluttering and basic maintenance we are finally settling into the new norm and it isn’t just me it is all of us!!! We have settled into a rhythm of organizing… clearing surfaces continuously and cleaning as we go. The hardest thing for all of us has been to pack up after projects… it is so easy to move onto the next thing after all!!!
But I have to say, Se7en weeks to go in the 52 Week project, there are one or five big projects that I really wanted to tackle and I am busy knocking them off my list one by one by one. This week we tackled the garden. It has been just getting boring and every time we wanted to do a project in it we first had to clear and tidy and then our garden energy was gone. Now we have gardening days – I know how genius is that!!! Two afternoons a week we spend about an hour hacking, raking, cutting, sweeping, trimming… just maintenance. At first I thought it would make no difference, but over time it is paying off and many hands – even little ones really do make light work!!!
This week we got our back on track and planted a new vegetable space…
Gotta lot of help from my boys:

And a lot of help from my girls (can’t help loving those little helpful hands!!!:

And a whole new vegetable patch in no time at all…

And we worked really hard on this patch of garden and that boring old wall…

And now it is pouring with rain… So no pictures… We will show you next week all the new nooks and crannies we have been working on…
That’s us!!! Have a great week…
What a fabulous and wonderful blog!! Such insight. I have been wanting to homeschool my daughter since she started school. It hasn’t always been the best having her in a public school, but we have done better than we expected honestly. I look forward to home schooling her soon though. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Thanks so much.
Oh Wow, Vanessa, You came over an said hi, what a lovely surprise!!! I am so glad to meet you!!! Thanks for the visit and hope you have a good week!!!
as far as NUMBER ONE goes— WELL YA! you are only the homeschooling SUPER HERO of the world!!!
Oh KM… Thanks for the Super Hero vote!!! You are so fun!!! Hope you all have a great week… dying to meet your impending little person!!!