It is Friday… so let’s have some fun…

Here are this weeks lovely links…
- Design Mom posted this awesome awesome Periodic Table of Childhood, click on it you will love it!!! And if that isn’t enough then take a look at these Pencil Shavings!!!
- Gotta totally, totally love this Mini-Tree house on Word Play House.
- Our Bubbling Brew Made it onto Tip Junkie’s Halloween collection!!! Who would have thought!!!
- Just totally loved this Math Pep Talk, I followed the link from todays Check Out on Head Heart Hand.
- Yuppiechef has a Spring Cake Pop Challenge… our only experience with cake pops has been disastrous… but how can we let a Yuppie Chef competition go by!!! Oh dear!!! We are pretty good at all the steps… mixing, mashing, smooshing, tasting… except producing little artworks in the last step!!!
- You might want to see a video of the best trail in South Africa, the Otter Trail… It is where the father person and I got engaged… can only dream of taking our kids there one day – just the most beautiful spot!!!
- Styling You has a Saturday linkup all about one of my fave topics… you guessed it: blogging!!! This week she is looking at blog schedules… I have one, no really I do!!! I sit down every weekend and plot the posts for the week ahead… and then go ahead and post something completely different on each day… my blog schedule in fact is almost predictably what I won’t be posting the following week!!! But I do think about it and I really do intend to follow the plan… sigh!!!
- I know you know that Wally, or Waldo if you live in the States, turned 25 last week… Here’s the Fun on the Official Where’s Wally Site… and here’s Where’s Waldo too… Have to say we had our cake… and we ate it too!!!
And the se7en + 1th thing…

And we have heaps and heaps of fabulous prizes to giveaway… books and bags and posters and stickers… the works!!!

So watch out for the this fellow… on our blog this week…

And this weekend is your last chance to enter all our fabulous book GiveAways from last week… if you haven’t entered already then you may just want to take a peek…
That’s us… Hope you have some fun plans for your weekend!!!