Did I mention it was birthday season… because in case you didn’t notice… totally birthday season over here!!! And Happy Birthday to our very own totally brilliant and inspired Celebrity Chef…

To our serious lad…

Who loves cooking, any way… anyhow!!!

And who will do anything scholarly – if it is out of a recipe book…

Who hasn’t followed his brothers down the LEGO path, but prefers JIGO’s…

And Zoobs…

Really – Zoobs!!!

And swimming…

And reading…

And reading some more…

And the great outdoors…

And what’s for dinner…

And painting…

And haircuts!!!

And did I mention cooking…

Did I mention serious…

Who has come so far…

Who treasures his signed Jamie Oliver photograph…

Wishing you hours on the beach…

And weeks of construction…

To the man who never thinks to wear matching socks…

It appears that you have finally grown into your cheeks!!!

Hope you have a totally brilliant year… We love you so much and can’t wait to see what storm you cook up for us this year!!!
Happy Birthday #5…..
Hope you have a fantastic day! May you keep on cooking.
That Eaton Mess picture is just too precious 🙂
Birthday blessings 🙂
Thanks Irene, Who knew he would where his uniform every single day for an entire year!!! Hope you have a fantastic weekend!!!
Thank you Tandy, Love that you stopped by and commented!!! The last birthday in a long spell of birthdays!!! Hope you have a great weekend!!!
Happy birthday!
what a cutie pie!
Oh my goodness, I have forgotten about those cheeks!! Seriously adorable!
Happy happy birthday Mr Chef. You really have been cooking for a long time! May the year to come be filled with culinary wonder and adventures now you are EIGHT (!) Much much love from your friends across the sea!
happy birthday!!!! keep on cooking! much love hugs and prayers from all of us!
Happy Birthday to my favourite chef in the whole wide world!! Can’t believe you’re 8 already – hope it’s a fabulous year! Lots & lots of love from all the Herbs in Georgia!
Hi Laura, Thank you!!! Fabulous to hear from you and at this stage over here… Happy Birthday to you, hope you have a special day and a brilliant year. Thanks for stopping by and lots of love to all of you!!!
Hope it’s okay that I’m replying on the comments – just wanted to say thank you for the birthday wishes!! You guys are always so faithful to remember & to celebrate with me. 🙂 And even though we’ve all been terrible in the communication dept. on this side of the ocean, know that you are all thought of, missed, and talked about daily. We love you all very much!!!
Hay Laura… Who can forget a good friends birthday!!! We aren’ the best communicators ourselves and have had a letter addressed to your mum in the front hall for so long that it is embarrassing!!! But thats what friends are for!!! Heaps of love right back at you all!!!