Sunday Snippet: Riches in Romania A GiveAway…

We have written about why to take your family on a mission trip before, and here is a book about a family that takes a trip from England to Romania… Now we haven’t had a Sunday Snippet GiveAway in a while, but it is time for another one and this is a great one for your easy chapter reader to enjoy.

Jenny’s dad gives up his high-earning job to work for a mission organisation that helped folk to build sustainable farms in really poor areas. While Jenny is coming to terms with all the changes that are occurring in her life as a consequence of her fathers career change, her family travel to Romania to stay with Ivonia’s family. The reason for the trip is to help Ivonia’s village, with hard manual labour. In cold and pretty miserable conditions, they are helping Ivonia’s village to create a field where the village can grow crops. They discover that despite the miserable conditions the people on the village are not nearly as cold as their surroundings, in fact they are a warm and friendly crowd, always ready for a quick game.

This is a great book to learn about totally different cultures as we learn how a family came to embrace them. It is the story of Jenny, a ten year old gal growing up in England with “everything…” and Ivonia, another girl growing up in Romania with apparently “nothing.” This is the story about a young girl with a short fuse, who is quick to speak her mind and then suffers a painful and miserable time, coming to terms with the consequences of her outbursts. Though she has attended church all her life and though her father is a missionary it takes a meeting with an elderly man and his story of a secret past, for her to understand true forgiveness.

This book is unashamedly christian as the old man shares the gospel with the young girl… the story is about friendships crossing seemingly impossible barriers. It is great to find a book that has a good story, and even though there are lots of lessons to learn in this book but it is not preachy or full of “you should’s” at all. We enjoyed it and would love to read more books like it!!!

This GiveAway works in the usual way, comment before the end of Sunday, 21 July 2013, and we will draw and publish the winner after that. I won’t respond to your comments as I do on our other posts because I don’t want to be included in our own giveaway.


As usual I have to thank Christian Book Discounters, our GiveAway book suppliers for another great book. Our GiveAways are open to everyone: If you have won a GiveAway before never fear – enter away. If you live on the far side of the world – enter away. Postage takes forever from here but eventually it should get to you! Good luck and get commenting!!!

22 Replies to “Sunday Snippet: Riches in Romania A GiveAway…”

  1. Sounds like a great book for prepa ring our kids a,s we think about going onto the mission field.

  2. Looks like a great read for our children. Always good to look outside of our family and country.

  3. Very interesting! I want to send you regards from Romania. Probably you do not know that there is someone (Serbian gril, by the way) in Romania reading your blog every day.
    All the best for you and your kidos!

  4. My oldest has started reading some chapter books, so I would love to put this in his hands.

  5. should be interesting, different to what kids normally read , a foreign perspective.

  6. I am from Colombia my husband from USA and we have 2 kids ….. interesting book to read.

  7. This sounds similar to a Patricia St. John story I read to the older kids a long time ago… ‘can’t even remember which one though. Sounds very interesting!

  8. Sounds great! Always so interested in cross- cultural perspectives to learn from and relate to!

  9. Would love to read this as a family, thank you for your inspiring blog. My boys have enjoyed the books you recommend very much x

  10. this looks great, would love for my kids to read it as well, maybe a read aloud so we could talk about it together

  11. That looks like a great book! I’m glad I read this post before the entry deadline!

  12. We would love to read this as a family. Thanks for another great giveaway!

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