I did mention it was birthday season… and the birthdays have been flowing thick and fast around here… Today Hood #5 turned nine…

Exciting times…

To our champion chilled out fellow…

Who loves exploring…

And traveling…

And has his own interesting style!!!

And I mean style!!!

To our champion zester…

Thinker of thoughts…

To our swimmer no matter what the weather…

And to our young man who is quite comfortable in the kitchen – any kitchen…

To our recently discovered that he is an actual reader of books…

To the young man who is always on the run…

To the guy who always looks like he is hanging around…

But is never actually standing still…

What can I say…

Time travels so fast…

We blinked and you grew!!!

From such a little guy…

The teeniest…

Tiniest… (not the teeniest, tiniest cheeks mind you!!!)

Keep on Smiling…

And Happy Brilliant Birthday to you!!! May Nine be full of new and exciting times!!!
Happy birthday Little Chef. Have an awesome day. I think he and Zac will get on well. They have the same interesting dress sense 😉
Those cheeks, those cheeks!!!!!!!
Hay Tami, Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!!! Dress sense!!! Sounds like a soulmate!!! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!!
Oh Tammy, those cheeks indeed – unbelievable!!! I think he may have grown into them at last!!! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!!
Hoping and praying for many more action-filled years! Happy Birthday!
Oh Thank you Aunty Muffin, that’s so special!!! Hope you have the most fantastic weekend!!!
Happy happy birthday to the spunky chef!
May the new year be full of wonderful culinary escapades!
With lots of love from all of us across the miles!