It has been weeks and weeks since a week that was post, our poor readers deserve one!!! What can I say, we drew to the end of winter and hoped for spring and it never ever came. I could say we had unprecedented rain and winter seems to lag on forever, but actually the weather has been the same as usual, and our staying power at enduring winter has been a little limited!!!

We have had rain…



And after another rainy day today… we have declared it the longest winter ever – no we do not have documented evidence… just a feeling that this is November and we should be swimming every day by now!!!
There have been the usual, chores…


And sorting socks…

Fantastic Feasts with friends…

Watching for whales…

And a little dance, while watching for whales…

And waiting and waiting for sunshine…

And then getting little bits of sunshine…

And using it wisely, to find the garden…

And baking of the muddy variety…

And just baking…

And baking…

Heaps of projects…

And exploring the whole wide world…

And creating a spy kit…

Games and games…

And games…


And playing…


The most astonishing development is the child that hasn’t done any math for what feels like years, asked me to show them how trigonometry works… and is off…

And arting…

And the artwork of the moment… well bugs, as one does…


Very carefully…

Classics at granny…

All snuggled up on the couch…

And in another world…

The Book of the Moment has to be, honestly if I had known how my kids would love The Hobbit, then we would have read this book years ago…

And this is what the Hoods have been up to:
Hood #1: Photographing everything…

Hood #2: Champion fixer and programmer…

Hood #3: Baking, baking, baking…

Hood #4: Is in full creative mode…

Hood #5: When you get an ice-lolly machine for your birthday…

An ice lolly a day!!!

Hood #6: Well arting and arting…

Hood #7: This child just does not feel the cold… at all!!!

Hood #8: I think he is going to work for the Royal Mail when he grows up… passionate about letters right now!!!

And that’s us… life in the fast lane, not so much!!!
Agh. Sock sorting is just about my no.1 most disliked chore!!
Oh Zoe, I have a secret weapon for sorting socks – it is called “very little people love to help with housework.” I have no idea what one does when you run out of little people, except to hope and pray by then that my older people will be totally responsible for things like laundry!!! Hope your very exciting weekend is fabulous, looking forward to reading all about it!!!
Oh I just melt when I see these lovely photos. What a lovely “scrapbook” of life with se7en + 1!
Thank you Tammy!!! Memories are made of this!!! Hope you all have a lovely weekend!!!