Se7en’s Fabulous Friday Fun #217

This was going to be a Friday Fun Post on an actual Friday, then on Saturday… and here we are and it is Sunday. For the first time this weekend I am actually sitting and I will not move until our readers have a post… It turned out to be the weekend that we had nearly nothing happening to one that was ever so slightly hectic and top that with glorious weather and having to spend every moment in the sunshine – enjoying the blue skies…


We Are Really Building a Library Book by Book

Firstly a warning, if you decide to build libraries, with the help of your blog readers then from time to time your house is going to be smothered in books…SMOTHERED!!! We are thrilled to show you boxes and boxes of books that have been pouring in – really we cannot thank our readers enough for their commitment and their love… If you would still like to contribute we will be collecting books for the next week or two.


Book of the Week

Dandelion Clocks by Rebecca Westcott, Published by Penguin Books, South Africa. This is one of those books that is pitched at early teen, tween girls – but absolutely anybody can read and, I have to say I totally loved it. But Hood #3 really lived and LOVED it. This is the story of your typical eleven year old girl, Liv, who loves photography and doing her own “eleven year old, wish I was sixteen year old” thing. She is in the sweet hinterland of childhood, where older looks so appealing but younger is well worth hanging onto. She has an older brother with Asperger’s Syndrome, which puts her in the awkward position of being younger and yet responsible. She loves him dearly and if you didn’t know more, from the book jacket, that would probably be enough of a story.

But there is more, Liv’s mum is dying and the book begins a couple of months before her death… and follows Liv and her mum through this tragic time. It is sad, you will cry… but these two have a special relationship and you will find yourself laughing your heart out as well. You will find conversations you have had with your daughter in this book, and conversations that you know you must have… This book covers topics where most of us wouldn’t dare to tread… but it is funny and lovely and tragic. Grab the tissues and read away. It is brilliant and special, a book about real people in a real family and they are so heartwarmingly normal that you may well know them.

I love that the author has been writing diaries since she was a young girl, and kept them… not knowing that one day she would create a book. Perhaps the honesty in this book could well be because she could look back and see the world through the eyes of a young girl. A brilliant first novel, I would put this onto my pile of must read-books with any of my impending teen/tween daughters. What a debut, we are looking forward to more from Rebecca Westcott, This book was given to us by Pengiun Books, South Africa for review purposes. We were not paid for our review and the opinions were as usual totally our own.


Here are some lovely links from this week

  1. Gotta love these Home Made Journals on A Beautiful Mess…
  2. Oh Alisa Burke… so very much to love: Driftwood Flowers… and Lucy’s Fairy Gardenin a Pot.
  3. 16 Gifts for New Mothers… on the Art of Simple… I don’t have a friend, new mom or not, who wouldn’t like to be gifted from this list… really fab ideas.
  4. Well Keeper of the Home did a fab round-up of all the books I need to read write now!!!
  5. Everything you ever needed to know about having folk over on Apartment Therapy.
  6. Oh you are going to need some inner strength to read this post from David Murray’s Head Heart Hand: The Widow’s First Laugh.
  7. 50 Photos of Cape Town that Will make You Want to Live Here on TravelStartBlog.
  8. And the se7en + 1th link:

  9. A Blast From the Past: And here are a couple of links to posts, this week, from previous years: The Easter Edition…

That’s us… Hope your weekend is a fabulous one and we are so looking forward to another week of blogging with you all…

5 Replies to “Se7en’s Fabulous Friday Fun #217”

  1. Hay Cat, It depends on the none year old!!! You might want to wait a little while, my gal loved it because it is so part of her life right now… but it is quite a heady topic and “cry me a river…” comes to mind!!! Beautiful and worth the wait. Hope you have a fabulous week!!!

  2. Hay Emma, Isn’t it a brilliant read… it has been so long since we read a fab book about real people in the real world living real lives… this one is one of those special books that is going to be read a whole lot more than once!!!

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