A week with a hike is always a good one… we managed a quick and easy hike after a couple of mid-wintry weeks that have felt a little like we haven’t been out in the fresh air nearly enough. We are making up for lost time and getting back into evening ambles as the days slowly get a little longer, beach walks, mountain walks, any walks…
Lovely Links from This Week
- I love, love, love these Big Cardboard Birds on Krokotak.
- Last weekend was the Australian Blogging Event of the year, #PBEVENT. Here are Style and Shenanigans Three Take Home Messages from the #PBEVENT.
- I love the message in this post, for all my friends in ministry: Ministry is not the Enemy of Marriage, on Blogging Theologically.
- I have said it before and I will say it again… If you only listen to one Podcast, it has to be the Read A Loud Revival.
- I haven’t walked as much as I would have liked in this last month… think cold and wet… but this series over on Chino House… makes me want to get my marching boots marching again…
- When you just can’t get up in the morning: PickleBums has a very good perspective!!!
- My kids would totally love these Toy Passports… Printable Fun… on Katie’s Creative Space.
- 2008: Where the Wild Things Are and shadow Puppets.
- 2009: Se7en Socialization Questions Homeschoolers Ask and Get Asked All the Time…
- 2010: Se7en Survives Sleep Deprivation.
- 2011: Se7en Make Road Maps…
- 2012: A Truth About Cape Town and a Wintry Wander Through the Waterfront…
- 2013: Reclaiming our Weekends with Operation S.O.R.T.
- 2014: Se7en + 1 Steps to a Great Rock Pooling Outing.
And the se7en + 1th:
A Blast From the Past:
Book of the Week
This book we picked up in the library this week and just had to share. It is just delightful and we have read it about ten bazillion times already… There is a crocodile hiding between the pages, and he is desperately trying to get out. This is a real action book… the reader has to try everything, including giving the book a good shake… and (spoiler alert) eventually the crocodile does manage to force his way out of the book… this is all good, totally hands on and very fun!!!
That’s us… Hope your weekend has been a fabulous one and we are so looking forward to another week of blogging with you all…
Thanks so much for the shout out Se7en! I hope you can make it to one in future – how fab would that be! I’m going to look this book up too – I think Mr 4 would love it. x
Hay Vanessa, Thanks so much for stopping by, what a privilege. I loved your post and of course a gal can dream, I am such a fan and would so love to make it to a #PBEvent one day. Otherwise I think MR 4 would really enjoy this book and you would enjoy reading it with him… the mark of a good children’s book is one that the parents won’t mind reading again and again. Hope you all have a fabulous week…
Thanks so much for including my series! I am having the most fun going back to these memories and I’m hoping to get my boots dirty again soon! XO
Hay Alison, I have absolutely loved your series, I have enjoyed following along every step of the way. Thank you so much for sharing. Hope you have the most brilliant week!!!
oh wow that book would so totally be cool! I love books with good imagination and interaction. (yes, yes, I would probably buy it just for me too 🙂 )