Well Cape Town has been beautiful all week, clear blue skies and perfect day after perfect day…
It’s taken two weeks, but I finally figured out that blogging one handed is nearly impossible… responding to text messages and emails just about beyond comprehension. In fact most things are out of the question. Silly me, I had this idea that with a broken arm I would spend a lot of time in a comfortable spot reading books, the house of course would run itself and time would fly. In fact, time drags, I am spending a lot of time balanced on the corner of the couch listening to podcasts, because turning pages is ultra tricky!!! So it is kind of crazy over here… in a “I can’t get anything done” kind of way, and yet I know it means this is a season to just sit and be patient…
Last Call to Join Our French Classic Cooking Course
There are still a couple of days to join our French Classic Cooking Course, click on the image, it will take you to the post with all the info… leave a comment and we will get back to you soonest. While I was planning to enjoy the course myself… I have to say my kids are just loving it. This has been the week of potatoes, it has been a fairly fabulous feast over here. Watch out for a post on Monday evening.
Lovely Links from This Week
- I totally love this post on Mind/Shift: An Eleven-Year-Old’s Quest To Spotlight Black Girls In Literature.
- Krokotak’s awesome crafting: These paper flowers.
- Who should you dress up as for World Book Day on Puffin Books.
- So who feels like a little Not Quite Nigella’s Cheesecake: I am thinking my kids are going to give this a try!!!
- Now We Are Six on Katie’s Creative Space, inspiring post, I need to round-up our Mr Six’s treasures stat.
- Zen Habits, always a great read has a Simplicity Manifesto, with lots of things to opt out of… food for thought.
- Imagine Childhood always has amazing weekend link-ups, with stacks of great reads.
A Blast From the Past:
- 2009: Sunday Snippet: Helping Your Kids to Read Worthy Books…
- 2010: Se7en Science: Bugs, Birds and Bees… and Lights, Lines and Lenses.
- 2011: Se7en’s Fantastic Flower Fun…
- 2012: Sunday Snippet: When Moms Get Discouraged There is Always Hospitality…
- 2013: Se7en Audible Gasps About Blogging – It’s Just Not About the Money…
- 2014: Can Your Best Book Friend Help Us Build a Library?
- 2015: Parenting Tips by the Dozen for Raising Se7en+1 Kids…
And the se7en + 1th link:
Fabulous Free Introductory Online Course for Highschoolers
Otherwise here’s an online course that my high-schoolers have found really useful… A FREE seven-week class. Digital Learning: a course for becoming confident with modern online tools at www.impactvirtual.com
Digital Learning is Impact Virtual Learning’s most popular class. Great as a stand-alone for your homeschooling teen or as a prerequisite for the Impact Virtual Learning electives. Digital Learning has received terrific responses from parents and students. You can see some of the reviews at www.facebook.com/impactvirtual
The course features website creation, digital citizenship, and working with embed codes and design tools. You’ll love the teacher feedback, and your homeschooler will love the peer-interaction.
Class starts the week of March 7. Registrations are being processed at www.impactvirtual.com/courses.html
Trees for Fees with GreenPop
We do want to raise awareness of the GreenPop Venture…
International Book Giving Day
We have launched our Book Giving Day Project… we have shelves to fill with books and we are looking for your help!!!
That’s us… Hope you all have a fabulous week!!!
Right now, sitting and listening to podcasts and books sounds heavenly 🙂
But after a day, I’ll be itching to get at it again.
On the bright side, imagine all the wonder that will come from that brilliant mind when the cast is off 🙂
Hay Marcia, Itching is the word, my best friend is a chopstick right now!!! Thanks for the encouragement!!!