Se7en’s Fabulous Fun Post #339

We just survived our busiest week of the year, the week when every year-end-event arrives on the calendar night after night after night. The great thing is we made it (!) and we are now ready to slowly slide into summer. The other great thing is that we have a week of Galactically Good Giveaways coming your way… all sorts of fabulous GiveAways, changing it up a bit to give you a week of fun in the midst of the end of year craziness. Enter away, please leave lots of comments, one word comments are good… the more entries the better.


Lovely Links from This Week

  1. The Best Super Moon Photos from Around the World on Quartz.
  2. WillowDay’s Leaf Fairy Puppets and printable… Delightful!!!
  3. Would you look at this incredible book of Cardboard Creations like never before… on IkatBag!!!
  4. This post on Petit Elefant about sums up what most media just can’t: Africa’s not sad y’all.
  5. A week or two back I wrote a post on making math fun and a couple folk asked me about fun math apps for kids… and I have to say I am the laziest mother person when it comes to apps and things for my kids. But, never one to reinvent the wheel, take a look at Jimmie’s Collage and her Ten Best Online Game Sites for Homeschool Math.
  6. Now here’s a good question: Can teens ever have a a positive body image? on Who’s the Mummy?
  7. So I am doing this Art Journaling course… it is free, it is online, it takes as long as you want it to take and it is delivered into your email box every day, could not get easier than that: Get Messy Art Journaling…
  8. The prettiest paper chains ever on Pink Stripey Socks: Paper Chain Christmas…
  9. I just love Styling You… she takes fashion from pages of a magazine straight into the real world, if I ever grow out of jeans and t-shirts then this would be advisor that I would seek out: How to look and feel stylish in summer when the heat is on.
  10. If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Family Holiday Tips, Destinations & Ideas – Part 1. Just gotta love Style and Shenanigans.


A Blast From the Past:

That’s us… Hope you are all have a fabulous week!!!

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