I took a break from blogging over the holidays… and it was great. I was totally present with my kids, we played games, we went for walks, we baked and with some adapting we managed to conquer most of our Christmas and New Year traditions, without the ever present presence of “I should blog this” going on in my head. And it was lovely. I will definitely do that again…

Meanwhile, it is a New Year, despite the ever present shadow of Rona, which continues to hang over all our heads, I still have that New Year Feeling and a new notebook to journal my through it. But first some holiday pics…

The tree went up and for the time ever, we managed to create a Gingerbread house, from a kit… but that’s a minor detail in the scheme of live. We actually did it. And several days later, we ate it!!!

Otherwise, the holidays have looked like ours of boardgames, cooking outdoors in the evenings…

As well as the occasional picnic in the wild,

While we still could…

And now at last we seem to have slipped into rest and recovery mode… it is just too hot for anything else…

Ten Years of Instagram and all the Best Nine
At the end of the year it is always a little bit of instagram fun to take a look at your top nine photographs of the year… We had a wonderful family wedding last January, there was loads of running and swimming this past year. Yes, there defintiley was swimming!!!

I decided to post the last ten years of picture collections… from when it was all about the kids and their doings, and I would never have ever dreamed of being in a photograph… all the way until now… how times have changed. I have always blogged about our adventures and what we get up to… but these photographs really do tell a story of our journey.

They do tell of a journey 🙂
Hay Erin, So good to hear from you on the far side of the world… sending loads of love to you and yours.