So while the poppies popped,
We read some books.
And we certainly do have a book of the week:

Oh this is brilliant – this book can be read on so many levels and is so worth a laugh… I got it from the library but we didn’t read it immediately because their is a scary looking wolf (and some of us are deeply concerned about wolves – here in Cape Town wolves are a big problem – not!!!)… Anyway three sweet bunnies: Cuddlemop, Sweetsnuffle and Pretty are just so happy with their little lives in Happy Hidey Hole, but it takes the really grumpy cousin, Grumblebunny (and we have have more than a few of these around here!) saves the day… and has his saviour efforts go way over the heads of his sweet cousins. Similarly, a whole heap of the story goes way over the heads of short short people… but they do love it – again and again and again!
Anyway here are the Hoods and this was their week:
Hood #1: Spent the week being inspired by An artist after his own heart!
And in his quest for a pet he unearthed a packet of these from the depths of a drawer in my great Tisket/Tasket project… After four years in a drawer lets hope these little wrigglers spring to life!
Hood #?: Don’t want to mention any names here: but I am sure you can do the math. Said kid, very carefully took the front door key off my key ring – with out saying a word and left it on the counter – I grabbed the keys on the way out the front door – now we do live in South Africa… where we aren’t paranoid, we live under a permanent threat of crime… so pull the front door locked, lock it again with another key, lock the security gate, unlock the fence gate – reverse out, lock the gate again and finally leave home… every other door/window/opening is very secure… go out for a couple of hours and then return home reverse the procedure only to discover the final key is not on the key ring… everyone was very very quiet!… How are we supposed to get into our house – a mystery… anyway a series of events… not least of all smashing the back door in led to us once again being able to enter our humble home. And said child claimed his memento… long may it last!
Hood #3: Finally lost her wriggly tooth, that the nameless hood smashed when she was two and it has been grey/black ever since – I for one am very pleased to see it go!
Hood #4: Spent a lot of this week in bed… He had a severe case of “arm wackatitus” and apparently if left unattended to his arm would spontaneously wack you as he walked past. Actually he had a stash of Captain Pugwash (latest passion) from the library and he needed some peace and quiet to enjoy them! Everytime I asked him what he was up to he claimed he was flying north for the winter.
Hood #5: Flew below the radar, spun a few yarns and got up to some very stealthy tricks… I did notice in the stats that fly past my computer, and as a beady eyed blogger would: that somewhere in the world someone googled Who makes the best apple crumble? – and they linked directly to our Celebrity Chef – How cool is that!
Hood #6: Here she is in all her grubby glory:
She had some sort of reading frenzy: On the couch in her hat.
On the floor with Asterix.
And in her bug pajamas.
Hood #7: Grabbed my camera lens… and made sure that she would go down in blog history – just for sheer cuteness.
Not to mention she is quite a sure footed little creature… with a continuous turn of crawling speed for the front stairs.
That’s it – have a great weekend!