We joined the culture swap from A Bit of This and A Bit of That… a couple of weeks ago. It was our first swap and we loved it… my kids had so much fun putting their packages together. I thought I would post a couple of links to go with the parcel…
I confess it took us ages to get them out – but finally off they went… My kids were a bit obsessed with the whole wild animal thing of Africa, so there was a lot of Wild Animal material for a craft… and here is a wild animal crafty idea we have posted: Woven camouflage beasts on Safari.
I also popped some local songs and kids recipes into the parcel: Milk Tart is a very popular South African Dish. And our Celebrity Chef has made A Million Mini Milk Tarts.
Into each package went a local story and A Gift for Madiba and here is the craft link for Madiba Magic Silk Shirts.
Finally I popped in some rooibos teabags and dried fruit snacks – very local,and a couple of postcards and other little treasures (like tiny gemstones and some pavement crafts) I could find.
So here is a picture of what we sent to Julie in Hungary and Souzanne in North America:
And these are the brilliant parcels we got from Julie in Hungary:

Chocolate, a fantastic pack of cards with Hungarian sites to see, fact sheets, games and cd… and look at those beautiful eggs – they are gorgeous – I can’t stand to put them away, they will have to be on display for a very long time!
And from Souzanne in North America we got a fantastic Navajo Pack:

It was full of the most amazing a and fascinating goodies… a cd of songs, fact sheets, a fabulous book with all things Navajo: games, crafts, recipes everything – brilliant. And some beads and string game. And a stunning pack of cards we totally love. But the highlight was the genuine arrow head!!!
Thank you so much to Souzanne and Julie for the wonderful gifts! And thank-you to Jojoebi from a “A Bit of This and A Bit of That” for going to the trouble of organising the swap – very kind and industrious of you!!!