Not a whole lot of rain in Cape Town. We had a spit and a spot on Thursday morning, but really it didn’t last long enough to even gather indoors for a pot of tea.

So the most important/exciting thing that happened this week was our school books arrived. We have indeed been boxed. I always thought I would love to work for Sonlight, any job would be a privilege. And then the kids and I decided to roll the packaging stuffing in a ball – like a big ball of string, just a big roll of paper. Well after that little exercise, with so many fun books waiting to be read, I know I would love to work for Sonlight but I never want to b a packer. I couldn’t do it! No, I just couldn’t do it!!! Here’s our roll:

And a little while later it had morphed into the Sonlight Snail:

It was a bit of a strange week no one settled down because we knew the books were coming and then they did and now there is chaos and se7en hoods chomping at the bit to get going with school.
We ran a couple of errands, we all got haircuts: don’t you just love those ears!

We made some Ravenous Beasts:

We did a couple of maintenance tasks: Our postbox had lost its sparkle and a touch of paint makes it look well dull, but not peeling. It wasn’t going to survive the winter rains so we needed a facelift. I guess we are midway through this project:
The Hood’s discovered that if they pop their little sister in a crate they can swim with heady freedom, rather than have to carry her “royal splashness” round the pool. And she can merrily pour and spill and drip and drop without anyone splashing in her face – not to mention she thinks she is king of the world! And, she could spend the entire afternoon watering my feet!!!
And our book of the week is one of our absolute all time favorites:
We totally love this story about a pair of children that vanish into the neighbors garden and onto Mrs Tredegar’s ship. They go exploring distant lands, they have tea parties and picnics, they survive storms and get safely back into port. Sounds exactly like life on our home front. Considering how many ships are constructed in our garden I am hardly surprised this is a favorite!
Hood #1: Got his two little sisters happily ready for bed night after night. Aah! the power of a big brother, most adults couldn’t get a one and two year old ready for bed without a hassle.

Hood #2: Organized a pause for pancakes more than a couple of times!
Hood #3: Read through a mountain of picture books… and then she read some more.
Hood #4: Apart from making fabulous fish fingers:
He set up a “mid-night feast” at five in the morning. Oh, look at the pride and the joy of being in charge, while all the world is sleeping!

Hood #5: Started a restaurant under the table and kept it going for days on end. The celebrity chef is clearly ready for bigger things.

Hood #6: Was the most helpful at unpacking books – should I say relentless!
Hood #7: Took on spaghetti.
And rediscovered the joy of lollipops… Someone gave it to her and there was no parting the two of them!!! Don’t mess with a girl and her lollipop.
That’s it! Hope you have a great weekend!