Just in case you think we fell off the edge of the world last week… We didn’t here comes our Week That Was Post. After spending days spring cleaning our i-tunes and producing the last post on what our kids are listening to and finding all the links I needed for the post I had to take the rest of the weekend off to recover!
So here we are and look another wet day:
And now I am kind of wondering why we ever hoped Summer would pass, since we haven’t swum in two weeks, which very sadly means that we won’t be taking the plunge for a couple of months. So our exercise regime is now cycling or skateboarding in the driveway. We could wish for some Indian Summer Days but that never heats the water and really it would be extremely will be wishful thinking.
So what did we get up to…
We made some mad musical mayhem…
Well all you want to do when you wake up in the morning is read a book on the couch!!!
We had a couple of visitors, Charlotte for one, left a whole bazillion little parachuters in our back yard.
Not to mention a Christmas Beetle in March kept a couple of hoods awake one night…
So because of all these guests we had to have Charlotte’s Web as our book of the week and we galloped through it for the umpteenth time.
For myself, I confess that the pile of books is STILL on our kitchen counter. I totally failed at that one and will have to give myself another deadline to aim for!
I also discovered that these nice looking muffin trays – don’t they look so handy for paints! Absolutely have to be washed by hand you can’t just toss them into the dishwasher at the end of the day. Trust me on in this I have evidence!!!
I made a conscious effort to have a YES week as apposed to “The Grumpy Old Home School Mother Get On With Your Work Week”… what a difference all the creative juices got flowing…
And as for these two, what they didn’t get up to…
They had yet another meeting with the markers…
Hood #1 Made a whole lot of new treasures out of Fimo.
Hood #2 Decided to train Hood #7 in the art of recordering…
He also discovered a whole new food group (no he didn’t have them all!) they were so cute and reminded me of my childhood so I had to share them with our kids.
Hood #3 Got engrossed in all things Viking…
Hood #4 Had to have spinach and mushrooms for supper – sprinkled with parmesan… I can live with that!
Hood #5 Had a great week of measuring…
Hood #6 Played a most elaborate game, and plotted and planned a couple of projects…
Hood #7 Discovered waking up from a nap can be quite hair raising!
Not to mention she discovered the world of chores and the laundry is no longer safe!
That’s it – off to have an egg-cellent week! And I hope you have a good one too!!!
What a great look at your week! I wish I took more pictures! Love the picture of the couch full of readers!
Hi A, thanks for stopping by! I am getting better at remembering to catch a snap of everyone each week!!! You have a good one!
Those instruments are fabulous! Your children are very talented and creative. I’d like some muscial mayhem too…instead of our regular ol’ mayhem here. May I ask if "hood" refers to anything in your children’s public names? (Sorry, please ignore if this is an inappropriate question.) And it is gray and soppy here in New England too.
Hi K M, In a gray New England… Icy cold wind here today… Glad you enjoyed our mayhem. And referring to the Hoods, well when I started the blog my kids had just got a parcel of hoodies from their God-Mother on your side of the world! And they would wear nothing else for months! That’s it – I just wanted to keep their names off the internet, as so much of their lives is on it!