I have joined up with the Problogger for a month of blog-improvement… “31 Days to Build a Better Blog Challenge – 31DBBB.” Let me just quickly rave on the Problogger: I love the Problogger I have been reading his blog since before I started blogging… full of tips, full of brilliant ideas and all sorts of posts on how to do just about anything bloggish. And it isn’t all technical either, luckily… the father person is indeed my techie and I intend to keep it that way and learn absolutely nothing too technical.
So this month The Problogger is setting daily tasks… and I and about a bazillion others will be performing a couple of them… and you my dear friends (!!!) will be the victims of the tasks I can manage and the ones that require more of me I will choose to ignore and let you off the hook, so to speak!!!
Task 1: Write an effective elevator pitch… An elevator pitch is the “about part” of your about page… needless to say I thought about this just the other day when I was interviewed for the Digital Edge Podcast and they asked me: “What’s your blog about” and I was left “um, floundering.” To my horror – surely you should know what your your blog is about in a nutshell… Well apparently not! I have been so focused on getting out my se7en or so posts a week:
- A Monday Munchie
- A Tuesday Art Task
- A Party-Type Post and/or a Parenting-type Post
- A School-Type Post and/or an Organizing Post
- A Week that Was…
- A Saturday Spot
- A Sunday Snippet
So here we go:
Se7en is indeed a blog describing the life and times of a homeschool mom of se7en. In a nutshell it’s a bunch of hints and tips and guides through babies and toddlers, homeschooling, cooking with kids, crafting with kids. More than that I would like our blog to be a resource for mom’s in the areas of parenting that I have been through and what works for us. I love answering questions that mom’s ask of me and will go the extra mile to cover a topic that people ask about. It is an anecdotal blog so that you can see that I am no expert but just by describing what we get up to and hopefully we might be a bit of mad inspiration or encouragement to other moms.
Task 2: Write a List Post: With a blog called se7en our blog thrives on list posts. Luckily our blog is called Se7en and I limit most posts to se7en ideas, because otherwise my posts would go on forever and forever… I love list posts… so here comes a list of se7en resource posts I am dying to post but just don’t seem to be getting round to. I know I should knuckle down and just do one a week but I get so distracted from the task at hand!… You could create a demand!!!
Se7en School Resource Posts:
- Se7en Learning to Read Resources (and I do not mean flashcards!).
- Se7en Science Resources We Use Often.
- Se7en do Maps and Mapping.
- Se7en Story Starters.
- Se7en Great History Spots.
- Se7en Poetry Places.
- Se7en Magical Music Resources.
Task 3: Promoting a Blog Post: Well I do this all the time I am always linking about our blog but I thought I would give you a list of my favorite Se7en Posts – in no particular order:
- Se7en Things You Absolutely Don’t Need When Having a Baby.
- Spring Has Sprung.
- Ominous Smells and A Mother’s Responsibility.
- Se7en Significant Hikes.
- The Celebrity Chef Reviews the Ministry of Food.
- Se7en do Photography.
- Se7en and the New Year Party.
Hold your breath for Task 4: – I know I am!!!
With out being a copycat Im totally going to copy you.. LOL. What a great Idea on Problogger. 🙂
Hi V, It’s brilliant isn’t it… I am so excited that by the end of the month I will have new skills and a pile of ideas to use. My poor readers will have to survive my learning curve but if they hang in there it can only be for the better. I think its going to be fun, I love a little bit of a brain stretch! Have Fun!