So here we are a week of sunshine in the middle of winter. We are back to a wild storm but it sure gave me a chance to have a blanket washing frenzy and generally recover from some serious dampness.

This was our haunting ground Kalk Bay last week. It really has been a bit wet around here!

But it cleared up nicely in the week and we had a lot of interesting visitors.
We did some school.

We read some books.
And the book of the week will have to be Curious George – I must have read it ten million times and I know I will read it ten million more!

We visited the granny person and I just can’t believe you can have your hip replaced and then walk about like a human person – it is quite amazing but she clearly is – every time we visit she is in a different spot – following the sunny spots round their house… So clearly it can be done.
We did some rock climbing… and the younger set discovered they could make it all the way to the top – with the help of a table. Oh the joy of having a climbing wall in the house!!! (Just how do I keep my little kids busy while everyone else is doing school – hehehe!)
Otherwise made some donuts and koeksisters.

I was going to show you our Moussaka recipe but ummm this is what was left by the time I got the camera… and I always have it handy and it wasn’t far away – just not close enough!

Another week went past with absolutely no decluttering we were far too busy building our aquarium.
So let’s see what all those hoods got up to this week:
Hood #1: Had a trumpet concert that had his entire family trekking out in the freezing cold – dead of night – (ok we were were home and done by 7:30 but it felt late to me!!!) – pitch dark mid-winterish.

He also got a bunch of complementary tickets to the Johnny Cooper Band show so he and a couple of hoods got to spend a jazzy night at the Theatre on the Bay. Very exciting, they absolutely loved every second of it.

Hood #2: Celebrated his birthday with a baking frenzy and yes that it is a serious hammer but lets face it biscuit crushing is serious business!
And should your mother person not have a single candle item in the house then just use crisps (a slight improvement than last year where I merrily put eight candles on his cake – oh – the insult!!!)

Hood #3: Spent hours weaving a placemat for her brother for his birthday. And then couldn’t sleep the entire night before his birthday in anticipation of giving him his gift. You try and sleep though someone clattering their way through unpacking the dishwasher at three in the morning! “Dear sweet child, would you please stop doing chores. RIGHT NOW!”

Hood #4: I caught these legs packing away the cutlery and they have to be the cutest legs on the whole wide world!!!

Otherwise he built his own WOW toy plane and “fixed” his older brothers scooter – permanently? Look how proud he is of his mechanical achievement.
Hood #5: Did his usual chopping and cropping, hopefully by the time he gets to chef school he will have mastered one or two techniques.
And set up a painting frenzy:
Hood #6: Kept popping up all over the place and watching every project that occurred in the house.
And joined the painting frenzy.
Hood #7: Has a couple of cute words emerging including an emphatic: “Oh Bow” which is “Oh Wow” to you and I. She also quite clearly knows how to keep herself busy while other people are doing school.

And if this poor little might ever gets those eye teeth in then she might even stop her sleep deprivation experiment that she is performing on her mother person. Not to mention I could post my Saturday spot and Sunday Snippets. People before things (including blogs!) and all that!!! Personally I need to gather some of the energy that roars around my house on a daily basis. Now that would really help my personal energy crisis!!! But I can be patient, I know I will have a huge energetic kick sometime in the next few weeks and I will be able to dash around and “build a few barns.”
Oh and pop over to we started writing for them just this week! They have all sorts of goodies relating to larger families – and it can be a pretty interesting read!!!
That’s it – your weekend posts are coming! We hope you have a great week ahead!
I’m willing to bet those biscuits were well and truly crushed!
Hi T, No need to bet!!! Who needs a biscuit crusher when they have an enthusiastic birthday boy! Thanks for stopping by!
I giggled at “oh bow”! Our 1 yr old says “eww bunny” for the same purpose. This came about while we were at a Disney Resort. (skipped the theme parks, just hung out at resort) They had TONS of little brown bunnies. They were everywhere. The whole family was constantly exclaiming “Oh, a bunny!” for three days and the littlest raptor took it to mean an expression for something cool!
Hi K-R, Aren’t these little guys so funny!!! They are so sure that they know exactly what they are talking about… bunnies indeed! Have a good week!