Happy Birthday Hood #4…

Happy Birthday Hood #4…


This post is a day late because we were so busy celebrating with a waffle feast!


No one does wide eyed surprise better then he does!


Here is some more of that wide-eyed surprise:


He is the master of disguise:



He likes espresso more than most…


He is a published artist:


Is the proud father of a plethora of about a bazillion million paper dolls:


He likes the beach more than most…



Always has:


He is an accomplished cook:


An accomplished player:


And here is proof that he is smiling or sleeping… zero to smiling in 0.8 seconds.


Can be serious…


But not for long:


He can sleep at the drop of a hat… always could. In fact we thought he was a bit broken! We could say: “Hood #4 you are looking a bit tired.” and he would say: “Ok.” And climb into bed and go to sleep.


I hope being six is a wonderfully awesome fabulously fun year for you – I know I am looking forward to it!

9 Replies to “Happy Birthday Hood #4…”

  1. What a sweet photographic celebration. You are ALWAYS having a birthday huh? We have a new grandbaby today!! But he is in intensive care for now so we are praying he will be back with mama really soon.

  2. Thanks T – You can tell I just love looking back through all those photo’s and seeing their lives flash by in a slide show!!!

  3. Hi K-R We are indeed somewhat burdened with birthdays in June – there is still one more to come!!! Congratulations on your new grandbaby. What a treasure and I hope he is strong and well soon. Take care.

  4. Please wish Hood #4 a happy happy birthday from us all. I remember the AA Milne poem about turning 6, which I’m sure you know but thought I’d type up for him just in case (I don’t remember it exactly, but it’ll have the general idea!):

    When I was one I was just begun
    When I was two I was nearly new
    When I was three I was barely me
    When I was four I was not much more
    When I was five I was just alive
    But now that I’m six I’m as clever as clever
    I think I’ll stay six forever and ever!

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