Another Sunday Snippet and Another GiveAway… And in honor of our blogaversary this one is books not just one book!!! As usual the books come from Christian Book Discounters…

And as usual the books are published by Day One Publishers. Day One books are generally brilliant – short and easy to read, not to mention affordable. They range from topical studies to biographies of Christians. Bible Studies and Kids books too. Their books are relevant to Christians today – these are not old fashioned fuddy-duddy books written in ancient Engish. I think as a publisher they have brought contemporary Christian books into the hands of the regular Christian. Their books are published in series, which is great because often one isn’t enough and all those matching spines look great on a bookshelf – aaahh aesthetically pleasing as well! Most of their books are written with a view to be used as both a personal book or as part of a bible study group, with digging deeper questions at the end of each Chapter. You can read more about Day One Publishing here, while you are there have a browse through their catalogue pages.
Onto our GivAway, “Elisha: Encountering the Messenger of Salvation” from Day One’s Face2face Sereies.

I only got this book on Friday and started reading it yesterday – an enforced lie on the couch, while children clambered around!!! Well let me tell you this book has amazing depth there are heaps of things about Elisha that I just never knew! Each chapter begins with a Bible reading from 1 Kings or 2 Kings… and then the chapter digs deeper and provides insights and relevant examples to elaborate and explain what it is all about. This book is interwoven with heaps of illustrations, which don’t distract at all but rather make the whole event relevant and easy to understand…

Now Elisha follows on after Elijah… when I asked my kids about Elisha they were surprisingly knowledgable – even knowing that he was the son of a rich farmer and he had to give it all up to follow his call. They even had a tip: You know Elijah came first because “J comes before S” in the alphabet – aha!

They knew about his miracles – this is a great story for kids to follow – there is lots of excitement and drama hidden in the Books of Kings, especially if you are reading from the prophet’s perspective.

Here are some online Elisha resources:
- Just a quick overview… who he is and what he did from the Christ Centered Mall.
- Click on the worksheets to download here, they are great. From
- Free online worksheets scroll down to ELisha. – quizzes, coloring, crossword…
- More online worksheets from Calvary Chapel – scroll down to Elisha in I and 2 Kings.
So here is how this weeks GiveAway will work. I have Se7en copies of Elisha to GiveAway – Yes Se7en! – It is our blogaversary week after all. Comment before the end of Friday and I will draw and publish the Se7en winners next week on Sunday! As usual, I won’t respond to your comments as I usually do because I don’t want to be included in our own giveaway!!! Good luck and get commenting!
As usual I have to thank Christian Book Discounters who kindly supplied the books for this GiveAway…
Really Get commenting you stand a very good chance of winning!!!
Happy blog anniversary Se7en! I only recently discover your blog. I am also a home schooling mom of seven, expecting Baby #8 in Jan. 2010 and from Cape Town. May you have a blessed week.
Happy Anniversayry Se7en!!! I am so glad to have found yalll… Happy Learning… THANKS CBD
Happy 1st blog birthday!! I like your giveaways, you always choose really cool books … and even if you don’t win, you get great book buying ideas :o)
LOVE Day One, and order them from the UK whenever we have willing friends coming~we dont have book shops with affordable new books here, and my kids have never seen a library, so shopping online is the way we do reading! CBD, Sonlight and Day One are our favourites along with! You’ve whet my appetite to order Elisha next time! Ann x
Oh we LOVE books – this one sounds great – maybe the Lord will bless us and put us in the right Hoods hands 🙂
Thanks for your encouraging blog. Wo – can’t believe there is ANOTHER homeschooling Mom of 7 – in CT!!! You guys are awesome 🙂
Happy 1st Blog Birthday! Thanks for all your encouragement and advice! 🙂 You are an inspiration!
Happy Blogday! We just love following your blog!
Sonlight mom of 4
Happy Blogaversary. You have amazing energy to keep all of this going. Thanks for all the work you put into it.
Thanks to you that the world of Old Testament prophets is coming alive to my kids – since your Nehemiah post we are now always reading one aloud at some point in the day and I am learning heaps. Count me in for the Elisha draw!
Well done! a great year of wonderful blogging! i am actually entering for a “se7en” tea-towel!