Now this may look like we had a gloriously sunny week…

But did I ever mention that we listen that we live in a very blustery part of the world… and this week was a reminder of our windy summers. My goodness if I actually had a hairdo then it would have quite literally blown away… But instead we holed up in our house like eskimo’s in winter and waited it out… after three days severe cabin fever we needed to escape… and then we had a granny in need of some tender loving care… so we escaped to one of our favorite outings (stick with familiar outings with a newborn!!): Chart Farm… with all my favorite people:
And all my girls – could they be more different!!!

And I still think we could do something lovely with this house… really we could live in a house like this: imagine afternoon tea overlooking the rose gardens!!!
As usual our week included some musical mayhem…
And we are back at school. Here is school in action, notice three larger children actually sitting at the table in the background… And to all you pregnant moms who follow our blog here is a word of reassurance for you: We waste a lot energy when we are pregnant thinking: “How will we cope with a newborn and how will we ever get any school done?” You can – the amazing thing is that when you have a newborn you aren’t pregnant!!! And that is the key!!! Apart from the odd energy spurt I am pretty dull and really low in the energy department, school can drag all day simple because I don’t have the energy to say let’s get it done now… Well I am not pregnant!!! And school got done with the greatest of ease and we are all set and ready for next week – shew – the weekend is mine (to blog)!!!
Otherwise there were some dinosaur wars – a whole new and elaborate game!!!
Meanwhile the silly season has arrived really early and the father person is busy everynight for what seems like forever with end of year functions. This gives me lots of evenings to read and I am avid, and did I mention that I wasn’t pregnant (!!!) read not asleep… so I am spending my nights on the couch nursing #8 and reading. Not much else to do with my hands this full! I am out of new books so this week I grabbed some books off the shelf that I read about a year ago and went down memory lane and reread… lovely, escapism. I can’t think when last I sat and read a book from start to finish let alone a couple of books!!!
And this is what the hoods got up to:
Hood #1: Doesn’t just read to his little brother!!! He builds models helicopters to explain and they spend hours dramatizing – they deserve each other what can I say…

Hood #2: While I am spending my days nursing on the couch I even have time to play games – with some hoods that just love games!!!

Hood #3: Made a massive Solar System project – very impressive, to say I was bowled over doesn’t begin to cover it!!!
Hood #4: Was a crocodile for more than a few days… no I don’t know why!!!

But Hood #7 quickly followed suite!!!
Hood #5: Doesn’t just chef, he also dismantles with the greatest of ease. Don’t ever give him a car and expect it to be for scooting around – not a chance!!!
Hood #6: Aaah warm summer nights and a bit of rock climbing after supper – life is good!!!
Hood #7: Discovered the little creature of the week, while wandering off, while rose picking:

Hood #8: Has had another face change, I know I am watching every moment!!!

He remains mostly oblivious…
But is starting to show his little self!!!
And is still totally beholden!!!
That’s us, Have a good week!!!
Oh and for all you postcard swappers… We are almost done they should be in the post this week! We will let you know when they are posted!!!
A lovely week for a lovely family. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Julie K … I was just thinking this week that I hadn’t heard from you in a long while – and there you were on our Flickr account and here you are commenting… Thanks for visiting and I hope you and your family have a great weekend together!!!