The Week That Was – 2.19

So it started off sunny and I decided that summer was here and we would be swimming everyday from now on. But here we are sitting in the midst of a huge storm with pelting rain and howling wind. I am very grateful for our snug home right now!!!


We had a busy week. I have no idea what we did but I feel like I haven’t sat down in a while, this from the mother person who is running her home form the couch – because I can’t stand to put Hood #8 down for a second. Anyway I survived a concert from “The Boy Quartet” all original pieces and it turned out to be quite hysterical – you had to be there!!!


And we had our end of year music recital… Hood #2 had his first public appearance and after being nerve wracked for weeks I asked him what he thought and he said: “Sigh… I am without words”, methinks we have another performer amongst us!!!


And since it is that mad time of year when the father person is lurching from function to function we have been having some lazy suppers: lazy for me that is – they make there own!!!


Some folk were less keen to lurch into the pool when this was spotted on the bottom!!! What is it about pools and things lurking in them.


But that was nothing compared to spotting one of its cousins lurch across the lounge floor in the dead of night, when I should have been blogging… sorry folks – that post “Se7en More Homeschool Questions” was put on hold while I systematically tossed furniture around the lounge looking for this guy. Safely jarred and the lounge thoroughly mopped, dusted – let’s just say deep cleaned. In for a penny and in for a pound and all that!!!


So, now would be a good time to ask any last minute homeschool questions because that homeschool post is almost good to go for next week… I just need to figure out how to fit bedwetting into the scheme of a homeschooling question and bullying will have to have its own whole post later.


As usual there was a lot of book reading …


And Hood #6 chose the book of the week…


If you haven’t met Babar, then you need to!!! And if you are mad about Barbar then go and have a look at this video of Laurent De Brunhoff from Barnes and Noble.

And since I am sharing things:

Let’s look have a look at the Hood’s Week:

Hood #1: Managed to plot and plan an entire lego city with the help of Richard Scarry.


He also instigated a Zoob revival and made a mad warranty discovery: If you return broken Zoobs to them they will return fixed ones to you (I can’t stand to think how many little bits of Zoob I have tossed out over time) – so they can expect an envelope full of little Zoob bits and pieces from the great letter writer, Hood #1, sometime soon and we will see if the warranty extends all the way across the world!


Hood #2: Made some fudge and keeps asking me to do a post on his fizzbuckling chemical chaos party… so many posts and so little time!!!


Hood #3: Read and read…


Frankly I can’t put this book down!


Hood #4: Did some car maintenance and built another parking garage. And he discovered quite by accident that he could read Go Dog Go without any help.


Hood #5: Noticed the sky was spinning by terribly fast. And was gifted with a tie for church and the man is thrilled with his new spiffy look.


Hood #6: Helped to build a township.


And was the only person that could go near our visitor. In fact she was so intrigued, and was quite keen to have it come to stay.


Hood #7: The question has to be asked: will this kid ever have a good hair day?


And in the depths of the night has taken to domestic projects – I have no idea where she gets it from!!! Everything out the cupboard, scrub it out, everything back and moving on to the next cupboard.


Hood #8: Is too darling for words, here are his feet:


And he is still really oblivious:


He is still totally beholden:


And not completely oblivious!!!


Mr Busy Hands:


That’s us. Have a great week!!!

5 Replies to “The Week That Was – 2.19”

  1. Can’t say I would have welcomed your nocturnal visitor with open arms, bottled or not.
    But Hood number 5’s phenominal tie has to be the snazziest tie in town.

  2. Hi there G-A! It was indeed quite a visitor – anything that stops me from blogging must be quite significant!!! As for the tie,what can I say… As for the tie!!! You have a great week!

  3. that spider would have had me paralysed with fear – or hyperventilating at the very least. What IS it? We’ve had a couple of rain spiders but that looks like the baboon variety! Either way – ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I just may have nightmares!

  4. Hay T, It is nice to have you back… the spider was pretty alarming!!! Well, less pretty and more alarming!!! No idea what it was/is… but the only one who loved it was Hood #6 and she absolutely loved it!!! You guys have a good spider free week!!!

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