The Week That Was – 2.26 – A GiveAway!!!

This week was all about time…


Time for smelling the roses:


Time for trees:



Time for picnics:


Time for running about:



Time for somersaults:


Time for cloud spotting:


Time for leaf counting:


Time for crafting:


Time for gaming:


Time for pondering:


Time for dress-up:


Time for movies:


Time for gifts:


Time for construction:



Time for biking:


Time for books:


Time for feasting:


Time for gridlock: (It’s that time of year where we can’t easily leave home and it wont get better until after New Year… the price you pay for living at the beach – one week a year you have to stay home.)


Time for Naps…


Our book of the week has to be: Not just a cook book, there is lots to read and learn about…recipes to try and projects to ponder… Love it!


Here is the Hood’s week:

Hood #1: Kept a pile of secrets.


Hood #2: Played football.


Hood #3: Revealed why her pillow was so uncomfortable an d why she hadn’t been sleeping so well…


Hood #4: Waited for his tooth to come out and tried everything except just pulling it out…


Hood #5: Wished he owned a mezzaluna.


Hood #6: Discovered some surprises…


Hood #7: Loved making angels.


Hood #8: Had his first Christmas…


Can you tell we are on holiday!!! Lot’s of Family Fun…


If you are still reading! And would like a chance to win this Family Fun Book and celebrate eighteen months worth of blogging, more than 650 posts, more than 3000 comments with us, then tell us what Family Fun you have been having this week… The GiveAway works in the usual way, comment before the end of this coming Friday, 1 January 2010, and we will draw and publish the winner next weekend! – I won’t respond to your comments as I do on our other posts because I don’t want to be included in our own giveaway.

Our GiveAway Books are open to everyone: If you have won a GiveAway before never fear – enter away. If you live on the far side of the world – enter away. Postage takes forever from here but eventually it should get to you!

Good luck and happy commenting!

15 Replies to “The Week That Was – 2.26 – A GiveAway!!!”

  1. Wow!! and Yowza, too!!
    There is so much goodliness in there!!!

    Love the zoobs!! We’ve been playing with them all week. This week’s pictures are gorgeous.
    Can’t help but wish for a bit of that sunshine and warmth! 🙂
    xxoo Steph

  2. We have been having mad, crazy cousin fun! We are with cousins we only see once or twice a year!

  3. Wow, you have been busy this week. Our outside pictures are filled with snow, so we have been sledding and making snow balls, snow caves, and snow men. When it was time to get warm we were, crafting, making presents, baking and playing board and card games like crazy. I am getting Uno-ed out!

  4. Happy Christmas Se7en + 1 ! We’ve been swimming, celebrating 1st birthdays, playing with far-off cousins, staying up late and now we’re heading off for a week’s family break. Time to relax at last!!

  5. Since the rain has kept us indoors, we are mainly playing games together. We are big into board games, card games, and now Wii. Reading is our next favorite thing. I’m having to lay off the baking or else my clothes won’t be fitting by next week!

    This is my first time visiting your blog. Love it. We only live about 90 minutes from the beach. It’s our favorite vacation spot every summer.

  6. The short people have been eating yoghurt ice lollies, staying up late with kid friends from America, hanging out at Boulders beach with the penguins, swimming in the mountain water at Silvermine reserve, making nativity sets, feasting at Ouma’s birthday tea, and generally indulged and enjoyed the leisurely pace after 3 weeks of being unwell in relays!!!! Have a lovely week!

  7. Our best family fun was finding boots and shoes to put our stocking stuffers in, because we always overflow the stockings. Don’t know why I made such small stockings, but they are Tradition, so we have to get inventive. Best wishes from the northern US of A where the snow lies silent and deep around us.

  8. My 6 year old and I found my Granny’s button box and thread tin (she was a dressmaker) today. We had great fun matching buttons with thread and disccovering different names for colours!

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