This one has to be quick as all the hoods are in various stages of collapse after picking up a bug of the worst (tummy) variety in our travels this weekend… Who knew what my Sunday night would be like, after a splendid weekend!!!
Moving on… Let’s thank Christian Book Discounters for the books – again, where would we be without them!!!

And last weeks Sunday Snippet Post: Three Special Stories – A GiveAway… here are the books:

My usual winner selector is completely out of action and you will have to rely on the last mischievous man standing… a picture of innocence I know:
What can I say – you guys like kids books and we had a heap of entries…
So being Valentines we had candy and hearts so… here we go:
All of you scattered on the card:
Se7en hearts on top:
Se7en more:
And the rest:
Called in my helper:
And he took se7en off:
Se7en more:
Se7en more:
Then just one:
One more:
And finally:
Well get to it!
That would be: #8…
And #8 was:
Kate // Feb 9, 2010 at 3:23 pm
Yes, please! The kids would love them, I’m sure! Hope you’re having a good week!
Well done Kate, your books are on the way!!!
And thanks to all of you for entering, I love GiveAways… come back next week for another one!!!
Thanks so much! Looking forward to reading them to the kids!
HI K, Well done, hope you like them!!! Have a great week!!!