Last week we posted Sunday Snippet: Top Tips, Encouraging Faith – A GiveAway… And here comes your promised winner…
Firstly, thanks to Christian Book Discounters who kindly supplied the book for this GiveAway…
And Hood #6 did the job…
Here you go: sixteen entries…
And she popped all the stickers onto a sheet of papers…
And then each of you got some petals, so sixteen flowers…
And I gave each flower a jelly bean center, because all flowers need a jelly bean center!!!
Then she carefully removed jelly beans until we had just one left. I see there is some linear learning process at work here!!!
And then there was one:
And the one that was left was:
And #13 was Heidi…
Heidi // Feb 23, 2010 at 7:50 pm
Sounds great. I’d love to win this one.
Thanks Hood #6 those are great flowers!!!
Well done Heidi and thanks to all of you for entering!!! Come back next week for another fabulous GiveAway…
If you did something fun with your kids or made a great link list this past week then pop over and link it up to our Fabulous Friday Fun.