Oh my goodness. This should have been called “the week that went south” because there wasn’t one particularly bad day – just a rolling week of little disasters!!! It all began with a huge weekend load of laundry on Monday morning and someone had dropped a disposable nappy into the washer, so nappy gel throughout. The dominoes fell. Not to mention the s.l.o.w.e.s.t internet in the world, so limited browsing, endless hours of watching things not download… New software and learning curves, scrabbling to post a post that won’t be posted. So I wish I could say I took a blog break and went to bed at nine-o-clock every night and I am back well-rested and good to go… none of that!!! But we have finished a term of school and we have next week off!!! And since we have inexplicably managed to be pretty much up-to-date with everything schoolish we won’t be playing catch-up all week and I will be free to get our poor old blog back up to speed…hopefully!!! I tell you there is nothing like a bit of a blogging disaster to make a blogger completely bonkers. So please be patient we will be back…
And here is our week that was:
The sun came back out and so did we… we got to hunting for all things natural in the world and there is nothing better than a great website:
Lots of lizard moments:
And Autumn has indeed come to pass, last time we looked the leaves were on the tree and guess what – they are off!!!
We had shadows in the end of day sunlight (That’s a buck!!!):
And roaring around (yes that is a pogo stick floating in the background):
And I was very glad to see that it wasn’t a very little brother being driven at the speed of light, but rather Curious George… and I was even gladder when the owner of the stroller didn’t discover this little afternoon exercise.
And a very old man and his princess wife came to visit…
And they brought their baby with them – it’s a whole long story…
We even had an end of term concert: And it is official, one of these boys has nerves of steel!!!
And this is how some creative people set the table… not very practical mind-you… but we are in training!!!
There was a whole lot of zoobing:
I have a game that I photograph whoever is first in bed… well guess what these guys made it more than once this week – miracle of miracles!!!
This was the contribution on my desk for this week. It is the monster burglar that lives under the bed (doesn’t he look so friendly!!!) and as soon as she had drawn it she was told: “You don’t get monsters under the bed, they wouldn’t fit… we only get snakes.” Oh the wide eyed horror!!!!
Our book of the week has to be this one:
I always forget how much fun Homer Price is!!! And my kids love it… Robert McCloskey is so great and you a story with a skunk called Aroma is going to be a hit. I have a feeling we will have to make donuts this week just because of this book!!!
Otherwise this is what the hoods got up to
Hood #1: Has changed the nature of school in our house by loving it! Loving maths!!! Loving Science!!! Writing notes and just keeping up to date… it is the new grade 7 thing, and I am all for it!!! He got into favorite Dahl and did some “electrical – inventing – circuitry – old-lying around the house” kind of stuff…
Hood #2: Has taken the whole holiday, week off school thing to heart and has vanished into the world of books… I guess we will see him in ten days time!!! He has big plans to build a computer that he can work on 24/7, because it will be his! I have no doubt, since he invented the i-phone, long before their was an i-phone and had little lego prototypes that he sold to family members years and years ago… Little phones with every possible attachment and every possible app!!!
Hood #3: Leapt straight from school into the world of “gotta email all my friends”… connect, connect, connect…
Hood #4: Well he did indeed spend another week of school in a dress shirt and tie… and that vital cloak!!!
And learnt about African animals for school: Can you spot the elephant, can you spot the rhino…
Hood #5: Did a whole lot of Zoobing, and a whole lot of cooking – whose surprised!!! He has progressed from baking to the oven top and a whole new repertoire of recipes is emerging… but that is another post!!!
Hood #6: I discovered she will eat absolutely anything that she has helped to cook – anything!!! And she did some “thpeerimenting.”
Hood #7: Got everybody organized in creating homes for her and her baby…
Hood #8: This delightful beast, loves to stand in a very “Leaning Tower of Pisa Way.”
And that’s us – looking forward to week off. Hope you are having a fun weekend!!!
Oh Se7en! The disposable diaper/nappy in the wash is the worst! It happened to us once and it was awful. That would definitely be enough to get the whole week off to a bad start.
Hope this week is a much better one for you all.
Hi L, Thanks so much!!! I am really hoping we have a better week this week!!! Of course a week off school means I have a million things planned to squeeze into the week and actually we will probably drift around and do nothing!!! At this stage a week of nothing sounds like a good idea!!! Hope you have a good week too!!!
I love these posts!
Hay Mrs H, Glad you like them – they are very fun to write as I remember who did what in the week that flew by!!! Hope you have a great week!!!