Se7en’s Fabulous Friday Fun #34 Link-Up…

I am having another internet free day today. Don’t faint, it occasionally happens!!! So send me some lovely links in the comments or link up… I am relying on you all to do my surfing!!!


So these are my se7en favorite links of the week:

  1. If you have 3 minutes watch Bakerella making Cake Pops…
  2. I just love these story stones from sweet sweet life… I can imagine some dragons and a bunch of bugs and hmmmm love it!!!
  3. Why have I never thought of first day of homeschool photos? Really, why have I never thought of this!!! They were everywhere this week!!! My Home Sweet Home, Simple Homeschool and The Pioneer Woman
  4. Will you look at this cute idea on Krokatak. I just adore everything on this website – everything!!!
  5. Dance Mat Typing at BBC Schools: Hood #3 is playing this and loving it!!!
  6. Petit-Bazaar: Not my language!!! But lots and lots of lovely stuff, just keep on scrolling down!!!
  7. PhD in Parenting: Why would you want breastfeeding advice from a Formula Company!!! Very thought provoking read!!!
  8. And the Se7en + 1th thing…

  9. How to Remember Names from LifeHacker… I found this via Head Heart Hand… and if you know me you will know that I am totally challenged in the naming of names department… all I can say is that I have some very gracious friends who don’t seem to mind that I call them by a different name every time I see them!!!

So tell us what you are reading and Link up your favorite Posts or Fun thing you did with your kids this past week…

Here are the rules:

  1. Anyone of our crafty/mom blog reader friends are welcome to join in.
  2. Any of your kids who want to write a blog post and link it in are welcome to join in.
  3. Please mention “Se7en’s Fabulous Friday Fun” in your post and direct the readers back to our Carnival. For example: “I linked this post to Se7en’s Fabulous Friday Fun” would work for me!!! Or pop our button onto your site. so that other readers can enjoy a couple of your favorite favorites… and get to meet all of you.
  4. Make sure you link to your fabulous post and not your website, so that it is easy for readers to find your favorite… rather than wading through everything!!!
  5. Enter a very brief description of your post in parenthesis in the Mcklinky line where you enter your name, so that we know what to expect when we get there.
  6. Visit and leave comments on other folks posts who enter the Carnival – it’s the nice thing to do!!!
  7. Finally this is a family blog and remember some folks kids are reading it – please keep your posts appropriate. I reserve the right to delete any post that would not be appropriate for my kids to glance at.

Thanks for playing, Link away, Comment away…

3 Replies to “Se7en’s Fabulous Friday Fun #34 Link-Up…”

  1. My kids LOVE the BCC typing tutor – it’s such fun and even my 6-year old is getting her fingers in the right place and doing well. My 8-year has completed the course, but likes to go back to the beginning for the fun of it (and I like it cos it gives her more practice!)

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