With the world so full of Causes and Needs, Poverty and Hunger, what should our response be? As wise stewards what should we do? How do we educate our children about all of these issues? What should our response be? Will this weeks book is all about teaching our kids what they can do small as they are to contribute to the huge problems the world is facing. As usual I have to thank CBD, our GiveAway book suppliers for some more great books.

Here is the book and I have to say I really didn’t want to give it away… but I have hung onto it as long as I can and the time has come:
This book is fabulous, it is set out a series of devotions that you can do as a family and covers a number of themes:
- Water and Sanitation
- Weather and Energy
- Food
- Shopping for Clothes
- Shopping for Food
- Education
Each section has “a way in,” which just is an easy way to open up the topic with your kids. It usually has an easy hands-on project that you can do as a family, that will raise the awareness of the problem. The second section provides real life examples and anecdotes and has a list: Remember, Incredible, Challenge and Encouraging. This is followed by something practical you as a family can do and how you can contribute to helping people around the world. This book basically gives you food for thought. We know people are suffering the world over but we tend to look the other way as we carry on with our daily lives. This book will give you lots of ideas of small things you can do to make a difference. Really what this book did for us was to get us thinking about things that can be done and really raised an awareness in my kids… but it didn’t leave it there… It gave realistic projects that you and your family can do together to become a little less complacent and quite a bit more active!!!
The book is really an introduction to global issues – but it goes further, it is packed with a list of resources where you can read and learn more and where you can join others around the world and follow your heart and support families in need of water, families who work in sweat shops and so on. The book is written under the auspices of Tearfund.

You can pop over to their website and learn a whole lot more about Tearfund and what they get up to.
If you would like to win this fabulous book then go ahead and enter our GiveAway. The GiveAway works in the usual way, comment before the end of this coming Sunday, 28 November 2010, and we will draw and publish the winner next week! – I won’t respond to your comments as I do on our other posts because I don’t want to be included in our own giveaway.
Our GiveAway Books are open to everyone: If you have won a GiveAway before never fear – enter away. If you live on the far side of the world – enter away. Postage takes forever from here but eventually it should get to you! Good luck and get commenting!!!
Oh – your books are just AMAZING – I know we just won the last one – but certainly would LOVE to be blessed again – unless the Lord needs it to go to someone else, of course 🙂
We love Tearfund, anything they produce would be a great resource. Count us in.
Wow this looks challenging thanks 4 sharing it with us.
I think my oldest is just getting to the age where it would be great to introduce him to the idea of helping out others less fortunate than himself, and what a great resource to be able to have.
Small things that make a difference! Just what we need. :o)
I would love to win and read this book! It sounds like a practical way to introduce this topic to my young children. Thanks for the opportunity!
It’s hard to find age appropriate ways to teach younger kids about world issues – this looks like a great resource! Thanks for the giveaway!
Oh my, this book is just begging to come live at our house!! Whatever fun way you Hoods come up with to determine the winner, I really hope it is my name that gets picked! Thanks for sharing this great resource.
we love devotionals!
I think that as Christians we can become very busy with our own lives but its good to be looking outwards. Will miss you this week but glad you are taking a deserved rest and break!
This looks like a really challenging and thought provoking book! Please enter me.
Sounds like a very interesting book. Love reading your blog 🙂
This sounds like a great book!