- One of my all time favorite online stores has a fabulous GiveAway this weekend!!! Trust me, pop over and visit!!!
- Love these log slices by the Mom in Madison guys… so cool!!!
- I love following Alisa Burke’s creative blog, but when I saw her Drawing Gift Guide I knew I wanted to be one of her best friend.
- Jimmies Collage consistently posts great homeschool posts and this one: What if I had no Money for Curriculum is yet another great resource!!!
- Totally love the sanity of Free Range Kids and her Gift of Childhood List!!!
- Christmas Your Way has a great Gift guide and they are just popping out category after category – just fun!!!
- I always mean to blog about blogging and never get round to it… Well 5 minutes for mom.com has a great series going, the latest was “Collecting Blog Post Ideas.”
- And since I am doing no Christmas shopping, just browsing around looking at things and thinking hmmm that’s nice!!! Well this is where I have been looking… lots and lots of lovely toys that I should but might not want to share with my kids!!!
And the Se7en +1th thing:
So tell us what you are reading and Link up your favorite Posts or Fun thing you did with your kids this past week…
Here are the rules:
- Anyone of our crafty/mom blog reader friends are welcome to join in.
- Any of your kids who want to write a blog post and link it in are welcome to join in.
- Please mention “Se7en’s Fabulous Friday Fun” in your post and direct the readers back to our Carnival. For example: “I linked this post to Se7en’s Fabulous Friday Fun” would work for me!!! Or pop our button onto your site. so that other readers can enjoy a couple of your favorite favorites… and get to meet all of you.
- Make sure you link to your fabulous post and not your website, so that it is easy for readers to find your favorite… rather than wading through everything!!!
- Enter a very brief description of your post in parenthesis in the Mcklinky line where you enter your name, so that we know what to expect when we get there.
- Visit and leave comments on other folks posts who enter the Carnival – it’s the nice thing to do!!!
- Finally this is a family blog and remember some folks kids are reading it – please keep your posts appropriate. I reserve the right to delete any post that would not be appropriate for my kids to glance at.