Fabulous Friday Fun #47 – Link-Up…

  1. One of my all time favorite online stores has a fabulous GiveAway this weekend!!! Trust me, pop over and visit!!!
  2. Love these log slices by the Mom in Madison guys… so cool!!!
  3. I love following Alisa Burke’s creative blog, but when I saw her Drawing Gift Guide I knew I wanted to be one of her best friend.
  4. Jimmies Collage consistently posts great homeschool posts and this one: What if I had no Money for Curriculum is yet another great resource!!!
  5. Totally love the sanity of Free Range Kids and her Gift of Childhood List!!!
  6. Christmas Your Way has a great Gift guide and they are just popping out category after category – just fun!!!
  7. I always mean to blog about blogging and never get round to it… Well 5 minutes for mom.com has a great series going, the latest was “Collecting Blog Post Ideas.”
  8. And the Se7en +1th thing:

  9. And since I am doing no Christmas shopping, just browsing around looking at things and thinking hmmm that’s nice!!! Well this is where I have been looking… lots and lots of lovely toys that I should but might not want to share with my kids!!!

So tell us what you are reading and Link up your favorite Posts or Fun thing you did with your kids this past week…

Here are the rules:

  1. Anyone of our crafty/mom blog reader friends are welcome to join in.
  2. Any of your kids who want to write a blog post and link it in are welcome to join in.
  3. Please mention “Se7en’s Fabulous Friday Fun” in your post and direct the readers back to our Carnival. For example: “I linked this post to Se7en’s Fabulous Friday Fun” would work for me!!! Or pop our button onto your site. so that other readers can enjoy a couple of your favorite favorites… and get to meet all of you.
  4. Make sure you link to your fabulous post and not your website, so that it is easy for readers to find your favorite… rather than wading through everything!!!
  5. Enter a very brief description of your post in parenthesis in the Mcklinky line where you enter your name, so that we know what to expect when we get there.
  6. Visit and leave comments on other folks posts who enter the Carnival – it’s the nice thing to do!!!
  7. Finally this is a family blog and remember some folks kids are reading it – please keep your posts appropriate. I reserve the right to delete any post that would not be appropriate for my kids to glance at.

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