It simply was the craftiest week on the blog, everywhere I turned there were things to make and create!!! Lovely!!!
- Well, Lilla A has done it again!!! This time with Self Portraits…
- We mad a submersible a couple of weeks back but nothing beats The Faraway Tree from IkatBag… I saw this on Ohdeedoh and know my kids will love seeing this!!!
- And if you don’t die of the cuteness when you see these Formula 1 cars from Fem Manuals.
- And if you haven’t had enough of really brilliant artwork… Take a look at The Miniature Medieval Castles on FIMBY and more… amazing resources.
- At least one of my kids will be taking up his needles and mastering the art of knitting, since I saw this easy peasy pattern on Adventures in Baby Wearing, follow the link to see the most incredible knitting video ever… EVER!!!
- I just loved Katherine Marie’s bucket of rainbows!!! If there were awards for colorful blogs then she was the winner this week… heaps of fun!!!
- And The Crafty Crow’s Day For Rainbows… just incredible!!!
- This week on The Organizing Junkies 52 Weeks: #11 Consolidate and Conquer: Well 11 Weeks and we are still going strong suddenly this week a couple of things came together… Our enormous pile of books and clutter was finally conquered!!!
Step by slow step… And some of the books had to be read on the way!!!
And the pile was gone!!!
And the book case, finally bolted and set in the wall began to filled up…
Even though I took two book cases of books out of the room, my kids are so excited to have a wall to ceiling bookcase.
They no longer want to call it the book-nook, it has become the library!!!
And my find of the week: We have these awkward drawers that I just can’t bring myself to use for anything – well they fit cd’s exactly… One cd collection totally out of site and stored away. I was thrilled to have one less thing out on “display”!!!
I still have lots of decluttering to do – but it is little hot spots… no longer vast rooms!!! If I just do a hot spot a day it will get done – I am optimistic!!! Overly so maybe!!! But really the stuff is finite and our surfaces are staying clear, things are going back where they belong when we tidy up as there are fewer things to pack up it has become so much easier!!!
And the Se7en + 1th Thing…
That’s us – Hope your Weekend is the best ever!!!
Thanks for the linky love. Great job on your organization. The bookcase looks lovely.
This post makes me so happy! I am s l o w l y trying to declutter, but books are my weakness. I simply can’t. let. go. I am finding it a tad bit easier, as the Scholastic paperbacks don’t last long. I have begun saying that before we buy a book, we should check it out at the library. If it is a book that we keep checking out, then it is worthy of a permanent spot on our shelves.
I used to be a kindergarten teacher, so I have a LOT of books, but not all of them are really quality, or at least not top quality. Thank you for posting!
Hi Renee I was so impressed with your kiddo’s works of art – really it was pure joy to send a link your way!!! Lots of love and have a great week!!!
Hi Sally, I tell you it hasn’t been easy to spend the summer tossing things!!! But I have just kept at it day after day… do the book case, and then do it again a few days later, and then do it again every time just losing a few books we don’t absolutely love… And I constantly mumble: Do we love it or not… I have to say it is brilliant to have refined somewhat… and it so so much easier to keep everything tidy if everyone knows what to expect!!! At the end of the day I walk around all the surfaces and remove what has landed there and then everyone tidies away from a central spot – generally the front hall floor!!! The more awkward and obvious the space the better!!! It’s working the chaos is slowly becoming contained… Always before I have tried to do the house in a week or a month… turns out it takes a lot longer especially if you took years to grow all those collections!!! All the best and have a good week!!!
oh what a library!!!! GREAT WORK! Now you have a lovely place to check out books. :):) Maybe each kid needs their very own hood library card? I can’t wait to check out your links. THANKS so much for your kind words about our wonderful time with rainbows. Have you checked out PINTEREST YET? I’m going to blog about it soon. if you haven’t joined yet, you must, YOU will ADORE IT! it is a sensational way to organize all these lovely links and crafts. xoxoxoxox
Hay KM, I ove when you stop by!!! Your rainbows were simply stunning… I totally loved them!!! I love browsing through Pinterest!!! I never thought of joining though!!! Typical!!! I was so enjoying the show – oh blog about it already!!! Lots of love from all of us!!!