I noticed last week when we posted the Argus Cycle Tour that some of the leaves in the photographs were starting to brown…

And it hit me that Summer doesn’t last forever and our summer holiday must be nearing it’s end. And the father person came home from work with a car load of boxes…It has happened before and hopefully it will happen again!!! We have been boxed. That is the term that Sonlight homeschoolers use for the glorious day that their boxes arrive…
And just take a look at these reluctant students, not actually, they literally whizzed the boxes up the stairs!!!

They carried…

They ran…

They strained…

They hauled…

And they peeked… but thanks to Sonlight’s brilliant packers there was absolutely nothing to see!!! First we made our annual Sonlight snail with all the packaging:

Then we unpacked…

And oohed…

And aahed…

And the continuous squeal: “When’s school starting?” and keen beans up and dressed by se7en in the morning just in case today is the day!!! Well it will take me about two weeks to mark up and organize files and plot and plan and wrap my head around – no more lazy days!!!
In the meantime here are Se7en + 1 favorite Sonlight Books Ever…

I should probably add mine since I have read my share of Sonlight books: "The Year Of Miss Agnes" (Kirkpatrick Hill). My all time absolute favorite Sonlight Book.

Every time I read this book I want to pack up my house and move to remote areas and teach little people how to love learning long before their fire for knowledge has been extinguished. Though I may bide my time till my students are done. I can read it and read it again and again… I love it!!! It inspires me to teach better and be nicer to my own short students!!!
And of course, our boxes will be put to very good use…

You know a good place to read and all that!!!
Hi se7en. first quarter for public school almost over and you only start now.. heaven.. hehe. The picture of your favourite Sonlight book didn’t show on my screen, would love to know what it is!! Please send.. thanks
Yay! Happy Box Day! [smile]
And thanks for the subtle shout-out with “Time for Friends” [grin].
You really know how to tell a lovely story. You make us all wish we were there with you.
Ohhh yeah….. A Sonlight box is like a treasure chest. And I love ‘The year of Mis Agnes too.’ I get to read it again this year!
Have fun 🙂
Hi Anel, I have fixed the link!!! Never fear Anel… my kids do their time!!! They will do school from now straight through until Christmas… And we don’t even take public holidays… so I feel nothing to let them have the whole summer off, it really works for us!!!
Hay Luke, Nice to hear from you… Nothing subtle about it… a favorite is a favorite!!!
Thanks Phyllis, You are so kind!!! I wish you could pop over and visit too… AND we got your post card, extreme excitement all round!!! Lots of love and have a great week!!!
Hay LindaOz… I tell you I could have all my kids redo grade 1 just to read that book again and again!!! Hope you have a great week!!!
Looks like everyone had fun with the boxes and new books! Our school schedule here in the US is such that the kids are out on holiday all summer, too. Why not enjoy the beautiful weather when it is here?!
Hay Karen M, Oh box day is wonderful!!! Heaps of lovely new books!!! Just too wonderful for words!!! And yes when you live in a beach town and all the school holidays are inundated with tourists it is a blessed relief to have our holidays when other kids are in school!!! And how in the world I would get my kids to sit at a table and do bookwork on a glorious day for swimming is another one of life’s mysteries that I am not ready to explore!!! However snuggling with school books through the winter makes perfect sense to me!!! I hope you have a fabulous week!!!
Congratulations! What a fun day. Sorry I preempted you the other day. Oops!
Enjoy the getting ready. I too love The Year of Miss Agnes! It’s one of my all-time Sonlight favorites, along with Understood Betsy, my childhood favorite. Yea Core 1! I’ll get to read them both again for the third time next year . Have fun! Lillian
Hi Lillian, What can I say you are deeply perceptive!!! Oh the getting ready is killing me… I am lingering far too long on all the lovliness. In fact is it lingering when you have read four full length books in two days… I think lingering is just a little too kind for what I am up to!!! And would I be mad if my kids read ahead like this!!! Anyway, have a great day and thanks for stopping by again!!!
Aaah just love that you share your box-day with us. It is always a favourite day of the year in our house! And is it not great the way those books get read and reread and loved by all! Loved the pictures of each one in a box. Blessings!!
Yes! to summer holidays. I always think of those poor children sitting in those HOT prefab classrooms, crazy! Its wonderful what a couple of months off doing kid stuff does to help them grow up and get all ready for next year and a whole new level. Sometimes I think my little ones make more progress after a couple of months of doing no school than when they are doing school everyday 🙂 Glad you are having such fun!
Hay Jacki, Isn’t box day the best!!! I new they were on the way, but I thought I would just keep them stacked in the corner till I had time to sort through them… Well as they came in the front door I know I was more excited about opening the boxes than anyone!!!
Oh Karyn You are so right!!! I think my kids learn far more in the summer, following their passions than they do during school time!!! Their abilities and skills grow in leaps and bounds… I think the main purpose of the rest of the school year is really to teach them the discipline of sitting in one place and finishing a task that they may not be passionate about… you know preparation for the real world and that career one day!!! I must say, much as I love our school time, I love our summers even more when I am simply the guide on their adventures in learning, rather than the entire guidebook!!! Hope you have a fun weekend!!!
Hey there,
Just wondering if you’ve been boxed again and just forgot to mention it??? I know, I’m too curious. 🙂
Hope y’all are having a great week. Blessings, Lillian
Hi Lillian, I love that you are so curious… I promise as soon as we have been boxed I will let you know ALL about it!!! Lots of love to all of your gang!!!