Homeschool Saturday Spot: We Have Been Boxed… Thank You Sonlight!!! Posted on 4 September 20124 September 2012 by se7en Indeed we have been boxed… To “be boxed” is the Sonlighter’s term for the day that your school books arrive in their boxes… And let…
Crafts Se7en + 1 Build an Apartment Block out of Shoe Boxes… Posted on 22 February 201222 November 2018 by se7en So Lilla A has another project… and when Lilla A calls for some crafty fun we always respond… though the thought of Se7en + 1…
South Africa Saturday Spot: Stanford… And The Best Box Surfing… Posted on 13 April 201126 November 2018 by se7en South Africa has a phenomenon known as “a dorp” and for those of you who are not South African… a dorp is a small town…
Homeschool Se7en + 1 Have Been Boxed… Thanks Sonlight!!! Posted on 23 March 201123 March 2011 by se7en I noticed last week when we posted the Argus Cycle Tour that some of the leaves in the photographs were starting to brown… And it…
Crafts Hood #1’s Quick Box Cars in Se7en Steps… Posted on 19 February 201122 November 2018 by se7en We seem to be doing a whole heap of box crafts just lately and for a couple of weeks we have had these fabulous cadalac…
Organize Se7en do Christmas in a Nutshell… Posted on 3 November 20094 November 2009 by se7en The thing about Christmas is that it happens just once a year and because of that everyone feels a desperate need to get “all” of…