I know you are looking for a GiveAway Winner for last weeks GiveAway… Sunday Snippet: Another Fabulous Ruth GiveAway and a Teen Read… Here are the books again:
"Faithful God: An Exposition of the Book of Ruth" (Sinclair Ferguson)
A big thanks to you all for taking time to enter, I think you all may really want to win books for your kids!!! And thanks again to Christian Book Distributors for giving us more great books.
And here you all are:
This young lady was set the task of covering all the numbers with a sticker… all except one… She took it seriously and worked hard at the task…
And the winner is Comment #4
Christine // May 6, 2011 at 4:37 pm I haven’t read a good book in ages… I’m starting to feel thirsty. Pick me, pick me!
Congratulations to you Christine. Look out for an email from us, we will contact you and we will be sending your book on to you as soon as we can!!! And to all of you who entered…
Have a great day!!!
Yay 🙂
Thank you, thank you!
I can’t believe I actually won!
Well Done Christine!!! I am so happy for you!!!