I fully intend to stop going on about the winter… just to say it is winter over here, and it is a tad cold and wet and life has become somewhat of a laundry!!!

Just a little snow…

And just a lot of hail…

Heaps of hail…

And when it just gets too cold… have yourself a cup of tea and a cookie and your favorite book…

It’s not all doom and gloom…

There is plenty of sunshine…

This bus was parked outside our house… and a small person in my house said: “Gosh that family must have a lot of kids…”

There was reading…

And games…

Yes, we are actually getting around to playing them!!!


And more coloring…

And fuzzy felt…

And serious book writing!!!

I love it!!!

And a best friend we haven’t seen for such a long time popped by…

Heaps of crafting…

And a new crafter is stamping his fist on our projects…

And arting…

Of the bright and beautiful kind…

Really bright…


The artwork of the week…

And Friday night screen time…

For everyone!!!

And our books of the week, since we are reading through our classic collection while we wait for the library to reopen…

And this is what the hoods got up to:
Hood #1: Heaps more recycle art…

Is taking up plumbing!!! He did help unblock the drain… and protect himself from any potential smells!!!

Hood #2: Got some funky pens for his birthday a couple of weeks ago… they have been in his pocket ever since!!!

And reading…

Hood #3:And just about only reading…

Hood #4: Is in the heart of the middle ages and made a number of swords in preparation for a “knighting” ceremony.

He won Best Dressed at Bible Club. One happy boy, who didn’t even realize he was dressing up until afterwards!!!

And he loved doing a bit of construction…

Hood #5: Is planning Noah’s Ark… I keep find him in corners of the world dreaming about it!!!

Here it is… Noah’s Ark, the Duplo version…

Hood #6: Has to be our champion crafter…

Seriously, puppets, stained glass windows, painting… never stops and it is lovely!!! For all of us!!!

Hood #7: Is officially wearing hats for the rest of time… and is banished from scissors as she no longer has a hairdo!!!

Hood #8: His love for Postman Pat knows no bounds…

Has not been poking around in his big sister’s drawers at all… can you tell!!!

And when the day gets away from you then grab a pile of books and your blanket and just let it go… whiskers and all!!!

That’s us… Hope you are having a great week!!!
Love following your days, especially the book recommendations! Can you tell me the title of the “let’s find” style book Hood 8 is reading. I’ve made something similar but that looks good!
Chris x
the parrot is my favourite (it must be yours???)
hope you are all snug in a blanket on this cold morning.
Love the “bus” comment!
What lovely blog. I’ll be lurking around here for a while. If you’d like you can enter this precious giveaway. It’s the last day to enter.
art-books-smiles-friends-creativity… what a LIFE! A wonderful wonderful life. :):):)
Hi Chris… I need to quickly find the let’s find book!!! I will pop it into the very next post!!! Hope you have a very good day!!!
HAy Irene, Isn’t it freezing!!! And yes the parrot is mine… well spotted!!!
Hay AuntyMuffin…. Isn’t that cute… So many little kids asked mine why we own a taxi!!! Well this was the same question on a grand scale…Have a good day!!!
Hi Ana, Thanks for stopping by… Great to meet you!!!
Hay KM… Always good to hear from you, totally love your comments!!! Have a fabulous weekend…Almost there!!!