Se7en things to do with your kids before they grow up!

Hello, I am Maggy from Red Ted Art. I am a mum of 2, a 3.5yrs old boy and a 20mth old girl. I love to get crafty with my two little ones. I also have regular “how to’s” to inspire others to have a go. I am soooo pleased to be visiting her at se7en! I have long been a fan of this wonderful family’s amazing creativity and am never disappointed when I see a latest crafty post – I love all the colour and individuality that goes into each and every craft. Hooray for se7en.

So, I was very chuffed indeed to be asked to guest post! The open endedness of the guest post se7en + 1 “somethings”, was a little daunting at first, especially as I didn’t just want to list our favourite crafts and “just pimp” my blog… so… I turned to…. Se7en + 1 things I want to do with my children before they grow up! Though of course my task as mother is all about nurturing healthy and balanced children, however, I am also determined to give them the best childhood memories ever (hopefully without spoiling them).
- Go camping and have a camp fire. Roast bananas with chocolate in tin foil or marshmallows on sticks and tell stories into the dark dark night.
- Go on an exotic holiday with my children and show them the world – India would be fabulous, but to be honest, so long as it is culturally different and exciting it ticks my box.
- Teach my kids to ski. Let them experience the glorious snow capped mountains as well as the thrill of downhill skiing (may they always take care and never take unnecessary risks).
- Take them to art galleries and get them excited about art – hopefully by joining the gallery’s kids art sessions or by exploring the art ourselves – learn about different types of arts, techniques and cultures.
- Create family traditions at Birthdays (you ALWAYS need decorations (bunting) and cake), Christmas (St Nic comes on the 6 Dec (satsumas, chocolate & nuts), the 3 Kings on the 6 Jan (3 Kings Cake containing a Silly Billy)) and Easter (decorate eggs together and of course an Easter Egg hunt).
- Take the kids walking/ hiking on a warm summers day.. find a clear stream, dangle our feet in it and have a picnic and play.
- Have lots of indoor imaginative play: cardboard forts, dressing up and plays, and making my little girl the most amazing cardboard dollhouse ever!
- Roll down grassy hills with them (again and again and again) and jump in puddles (again and again and again).

And the Se7en + 1th thing:

Thank you so much Maggy from Red Ted Art… what a fabulous idea for a list – you really got me thinking, especially since my kids are suddenly leaping up at an alarming rate. I love your fun blog, your list of linkups is amazing… and your wednesday crafty link up is always full of fun stuff… Fabulous!!!
A lovely list. I really like the one about creating traditions – this is one of the things I’m looking forward to when my little one arrives! 🙂
Rolling in down a grassy hill!!!! Doesn’t that sounds like a fun… Red Ted has so many wonderful artsy ideas!
Hi KM, I think if I rolled down a grassy hill I would collapse a the bottom and never get up… My kids found a steep hill to descend and ascend yesterday – oh the heady fun!!!