Se7en + 1 things I have learnt since becoming a mom!

Just in case you thought I had run out of celebrities – I haven’t… Please welcome a fellow blogger from Cape Town whose blog read like a magazine, snippets of this and that and plenty of bits and pieces!!!

- Mothering requires patience, patience and then more patience – and I
don’t have much… So every day I am growing in this area and probably will
for the rest of my life. - The true meaning of the word sacrifice – I don’t think it’s possible to
really understand what it is to be completely self-less until you have
little kids demanding all of you, all the time! - That I may as well hand over my salary to my GP and local pharmacy at the
start of each month…. Even though I think we stock every medication known
to man that is required for small kids, we still seem to spend a small
fortune there every month and have at least bi-monthly visits to the doc… - A huge capacity to love – each time I look at my kids my heart almost
bursts with love for them. Yes, there are times I also feel irritation and
resentment (2am springs to mind) but these don’t last long and in the - It is necessary to treat a stain immediately otherwise you can forget it.
- Children are an immediate conversation starter – wherever you are people
will strike up conversations with you about your kids, and everyone is an
expert whether you want the advice or not! (as an aside beware the
Mompetition!!) - Having kids has introduced me to some of the most amazing friends and I
am so blessed to have fellow mommies to be able to share our ups and downs
together… Mommy friends are invaluable for my sanity 🙂 - Getting out and about with my kids helps me to cope with the day just a
bit better and remembering to take some time out to do things that I enjoy
and love makes me a better mom. That is the reason I started my blog, Becoming You. To remind me about what I
find inspiring and that I am more that just someone’s mom and I do in fact
have many facets (although “being someone’s mom” is my favourite!)
morning the lovely sweet smiles that greet me melt my heart all over again!

And the Se7en + 1th

Thank you, Becoming You so much for your list of Se7en + 1… Motherhood is certainly a fast track to several life lessons that I never ever thought I would learn… And I so agree with you on getting out… Blogging did indeed get me out and making wonderful friends all over the world!!!
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